i + D - January/February 2021 - 24

1. Danine Alati, Bouncing Back
Milan, the focus of this issue's " Design Pulse "
(p. 14), is both the economic heart of Italy and
a global capital of fashion and design. But, as
it was an early epicenter of COVID-19, Danine
was interested in investigating how the city that's
known for its creative channels was rebounding
from the pandemic. " I appreciated seeing that local
architects and designers are forging ahead with
innovative new projects, some of which directly
relate to the pandemic, " she says, noting that
Arturo Tedeschi's sleek Passerella tram " is a supercool solution " to the city's efforts to reduce cars
and respond to social-distancing concerns. " And, "
continues Danine, " Stefano Boeri's COVID-19
Vaccination Pavilions address the pandemic headon with creative and eye-catching results. I found
it encouraging that Milan's A&D community has
continued to innovate with such exciting new work,
given the circumstances. "
2. Anna Zappia, Lead by Example
Since Anna believes designers, by nature, are always
looking to the future, she provided some interesting
specifics in her article on how design can lead by
example (p. 20). " Industry leaders shared that
they are thinking about ways to enhance every
facet of our lives, from how we learn to improved
healthcare facilities. Interiors and exteriors will, of
course, look good, but there is a renewed emphasis
on spaces that give us a sense of wellbeing and
calm. " In this regard, she adds, technology will play
a significant role in maintaining comfortable social
distancing: " Architects will not only use technology
to design, [but also use it] to bring even more data
in real time, from when an office was last cleaned to
how many people are in a room. "

4. Brian J. Barth, Small is Big
Brian learned a great deal about accessible dwelling
units, otherwise known as ADUs, while working
on his article on the subject (p. 34). He illuminates:
" The popularity of ADUs represents a profound
shift in American culture-away from big houses
and big yards and toward a more communal and
less resource-intensive way of living. " Looking
ahead to other assignments and expectations,
Brian notes he is very excited about 2021. " It feels
like we're nearing the light at the end of the tunnel
with the pandemic, and I look forward to new
beginnings, personally and professionally, "
he affirms.

6. Jessica Goldbogen Harlan, Hue on Cue
Jessica will be a regular contributor with the new
i+D series " Material Matters, " of which the first
installment spotlights color theory and paint
(p. 42). " My favorite part of researching this story, "
recalls Jessica, " was learning about the process of
choosing the colors of the year. So many factors and
influences go into their decision. I also really enjoyed
learning more about color psychology, which has
always fascinated me. Now, I want to paint my
whole house! " The author of several cookbooks,
Jessica also plans to write a new one this year.
" I have a great idea and would love to see it come
to fruition. And a personal goal is to spend more
time in my kayak. "

5. Ambrose Clancy, ICONic Profile: AJ Paron
When asked about his plans and expectations this
year, Ambrose is succinct: " Get vaccinated. See the
three-month-old newest member of our family. Get
on a plane and fly away. " Fortunately, he also will
continue to provide his insightful conversations
with design professionals, like AJ Paron, in the
" ICONic Profile " series (p. 40). " AJ is one of those
people who is immediately engaging, her voice
coming through clearly with humor, intelligence,
and passion, " asserts Ambrose. " She also is able to
break down in simple terms such concepts as 'design
futurist' and 'design empathy,' which, on first
hearing, may seem to be trendy buzzwords. But,
when she explains their meaning, you realize there's
no other way to describe them. "

3. Jesse Bratter, Change of Place
" It goes without saying that the past year has been
life altering on so many levels, " says Jesse. " Even as
a freelancer [with] a home office prior to COVID,
I had to switch up my work routine. " What Jesse
had not considered while researching and writing
her article on the future of home (p. 26), however,
was revealed by interviewee Challie Stillman of
Resource Furniture: how even larger homes, though
they might have more space than an apartment, had
to make adjustments beyond learning and working
from home. " Adjustments like adult children moving
back home, " Jesse further explains. " I found her
stance on using a room for one purpose having
become passé and, in fact, wasteful to be really
powerful and poignant. "



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i + D - January/February 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i + D - January/February 2021

i + D - January/February 2021 - Cover1
i + D - January/February 2021 - Cover2
i + D - January/February 2021 - 3
i + D - January/February 2021 - Contents
i + D - January/February 2021 - 5
i + D - January/February 2021 - 6
i + D - January/February 2021 - 7
i + D - January/February 2021 - 8
i + D - January/February 2021 - 9
i + D - January/February 2021 - 10
i + D - January/February 2021 - 11
i + D - January/February 2021 - 12
i + D - January/February 2021 - 13
i + D - January/February 2021 - 14
i + D - January/February 2021 - 15
i + D - January/February 2021 - 16
i + D - January/February 2021 - 17
i + D - January/February 2021 - 18
i + D - January/February 2021 - 19
i + D - January/February 2021 - 20
i + D - January/February 2021 - 21
i + D - January/February 2021 - 22
i + D - January/February 2021 - 23
i + D - January/February 2021 - 24
i + D - January/February 2021 - 25
i + D - January/February 2021 - 26
i + D - January/February 2021 - 27
i + D - January/February 2021 - 28
i + D - January/February 2021 - 29
i + D - January/February 2021 - 30
i + D - January/February 2021 - 31
i + D - January/February 2021 - 32
i + D - January/February 2021 - 33
i + D - January/February 2021 - 34
i + D - January/February 2021 - 35
i + D - January/February 2021 - 36
i + D - January/February 2021 - 37
i + D - January/February 2021 - 38
i + D - January/February 2021 - 39
i + D - January/February 2021 - 40
i + D - January/February 2021 - 41
i + D - January/February 2021 - 42
i + D - January/February 2021 - 43
i + D - January/February 2021 - 44
i + D - January/February 2021 - 45
i + D - January/February 2021 - 46
i + D - January/February 2021 - 47
i + D - January/February 2021 - 48
i + D - January/February 2021 - 49
i + D - January/February 2021 - 50
i + D - January/February 2021 - Cover3
i + D - January/February 2021 - Cover4