The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 10

Donor Profile
You can choose to directly support IEEE-HKN or any of the strategically
identified IEEE initiatives that help meet the world's most pressing
challenges and help us to realize the full potential of IEEE.
Harnessing Strength in Numbers
Lyle Feisel,
IEEE Life Fellow
Nu Chapter
Iowa State University
Dr. Lyle Feisel, pictured with his wife,
Dorothy, donates to IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu
(IEEE-HKN) Fund, the IEEE Foundation
Fund, the IEEE History Center Fund, and
the IEEE Life Members Fund.
As a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and
The Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE)-organizations which ultimately
evolved into IEEE in 1963-IEEE Life Fellow Dr. Lyle Feisel has enjoyed
the benefits of his IEEE affiliation for more than 60 years.
" The student branch gave us opportunities to socialize with faculty and
other students and gain insight into the actual practice of engineering,
and the networking and technical information I received were so helpful, "
said Dr. Feisel, who served on the HKN National Board from 2003 to
2006.. " The camaraderie and friendships that developed over the years
are some of my fondest memories of being an IEEE member. "
Dr. Feisel attributes his decision to donate to such initiatives as the
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) Fund, the IEEE Foundation Fund, the IEEE
History Center Fund, and the IEEE Life Members Fund, to " the recognition
that there are many needs out there and that our contributions can
help meet them, " he said. " My wife and I have also included the IEEE
Foundation in our estate plan because you can't take it with you, so why
not have it used for something you believe in? The IEEE Foundation is
a very efficient and effective charity that will make good use of
any bequest. "
" The critical function of the IEEE Foundation-or any charity-is that it lets
you help accomplish a goal that you could never achieve by yourself, "
Dr. Feisel explained. " Acting alone, we could never put a girl through high
school in Guatemala, teach a class in New Jersey about the history of
engineering, illuminate a light bulb in Haiti, or take a kid for a ride on a
replica sailing ship. By giving to the IEEE Foundation and other charities, "
he said, " we're able to help do all of those things. "
Are You Eta Kappa Nu?
Show Your Eta Kappa Nu!
If it's not on your card, it's not in your IEEE membership record. Let us know!
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The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021

The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - Cover1
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - Cover2
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - Contents
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 4
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 5
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 6
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 7
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 8
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 9
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 10
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 11
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 12
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 13
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - 14
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The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - Cover3
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2021 - Cover4