IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 21

the extent of that lifespan is probabilistic, relying on a
series of analyses and temporal projections can narrow the
degree of uncertainty and, furthermore, increase confidence in identifying and committing to optimal emergent
and envisioned targets. Note that the current, emergent,
and envisioned categories are not sharply demarcated to
accommodate the fluid nature of science and technology
discovery and evolution. Given this reasoning (and as it
was applied to the concepts upon which [16] and [17] were
based), the following science domains and applied technologies were targeted.
Current Science and Technology
◆ Neuroscience (CS )/neuroprosthetics (AT ): The accelerating body of knowledge in neuroscience-and its
expression in increasingly sophisticated technologies
in neuroprosthetics-places these domains increasingly in both current and emergent categories. Examples in
neuroscience include the ability of high-resolution scans
and movies of neural tissue at extremely minute
dimensions, including subcellular imaging of brain
tissue 1,000 times faster than other methods [24]. In
neuroprosthetics, injectable mesh electronics utilizing
neuron-sized ultraflexible open mesh probes, implanted into the brain by injection via a syringe, seamlessly
interface with neural tissue and have a minimal
immune response, thereby eliminating the inflammation and scarring associated with standard neural
implants [25], [26].
◆ Genetic editing/synthetic genomics (CS ): The categories of genetic editing and synthetic genomics (the latter being a subset of synthetic biology) are inseparable
from neuroscience and neuroprosthetics in defining
the concept and mapping the projected realization of
the enplant.
Emergent Science and Technology
◆ AGI (AS/CS ): AGI is human-analogous intelligence that
is often seen as an extension of contemporary artificial intelligence (i.e., based on predetermined coded
logical structures) that to date has struggled to produce results, thereby giving rise to expected AGI to be
available, but with the highest agreement being a 75%
probability within 30 years (~2050) but a likelihood of
only 10% within two years [27]. A novel approach for
leading to functional AGI is a process compatible with
human postpartum learning and native emotional
responses. One such method selects human mediators
to interact with (but not program) a pre-AGI system
that may have the potential to present an AGI in a
shorter time frame [28].
◆ Counterfactual quantum entanglement and communication (CS ): As mentioned earlier, unlike conventional
quantum entanglement and communications, counterfactual quantum communications (based on counterfactual quantum entanglement and demonstrated

successfully multiple times) counterintuitively does
not require particle interaction for entanglement to
take place-and moreover, benefits from counterfactual quantum key distribution protocols. Furthermore,
it benefits from counterfactual quantum key distribution protocols.
Envisioned Science and Technology
◆ Exopresence (AS/CS/AT ): Exopresence is a real-time
and location-agnostic quantum communications link
between enplants and external BMI technology [16].
◆ Ubiquitous synthetic biology (CS ): With ubiquitous
synthetic biology, synthetic biology replaces medicine,
surgery, and therapy.
Sociocultural Considerations
Although it was stated that health research, services,
education, policy, economics, ethics, technology access,
and other nonscience/technology sectors are often part
of a transdisciplinary concept or system, they are not
included in this article. However, it is vital to address
sociocultural sectors with a close connection to technologies, especially those that benefit, enhance, or otherwise improve the lives of individuals, groups, or larger
populations. The first concern involves provider ethics
and legality. This may appear obvious. Nevertheless,
problematic decisions and behavior can, for example,
lead to substituted materials, components, or other
aspects of the item or system in question. There are two
openings for this behavior: 1) intentional requisition of
substandard materials or components initiated by the primary corporation or 2) intermittent individuals or organizations on the transport route to the ultimate user.
Fortunately, a blockchain system can prevent these substitutions from taking place with a record of them having
been done, when, and by whom.
Second is the dilemma of pricing and affordability. The
current global environment-in which pharmaceuticals,
surgery, rehabilitation, therapy, transportation, employment, food, income itself, and other aspects of life are
often too costly for those who need them most-appears
increasingly more concerned with profit than people. Can
technology address this dilemma? Yes, but only by selling
the technology in question at a lower price so that more
might benefit.
Transdisciplinarity has the power to merge individual
domains into a unique new field by fusing disparate realms
of facts into a single de novo discipline. Furthermore, transdisciplinarity has the potential to perpetually synthesize
singular bodies of emergent knowledge that can themselves
become the singular building blocks of future science and
technology. At the same time, creativity in the forms of
imagination, insight, and intuition allows the envisioning of
future science and technology, while futurology provides a
O c tob e r 2019




IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019

IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover1
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Contents
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 3
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 4
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 5
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 6
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 7
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 8
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 9
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 10
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 11
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 12
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 13
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 14
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 15
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 16
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 17
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 18
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 19
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 20
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 21
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 22
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 23
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 24
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 25
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 26
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 27
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 28
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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 30
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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover3
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover4