IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - 22

range of techniques for applying structure and analysis to
the envisaged and forecasted future scenarios. Taken
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About the Author
S. Mason Dambrot ( is a transdisciplinary researcher/theorist, research fellow at AGI Society, fellow at BMI Research Consortium, and a board member at Artificial General Intelligence, Inc. His research
interests include futurology, hypothetical, and theoretical
future science and technology, brain-machine interfaces,
neural networks, artificial general intelligence, biomorphic
robotics, bionanotechnology, genetic engineering, synthetic genomics, and quantum physics. He currently serves on
the IEEE Digital Reality Initiative Steering Committee, the
IEEE SmartAg Executive Committee, and the IEEE Standards Association. His recent publications include: Preliminary Mediated Artificial Superintelligence Study,
Experimental Framework, and Definitions for an Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive ArchitectureBased System (ResearchGate, 2019) and "Artificial Intelligence: Emergence and Evolution" (Mondo Digitale, February 2019).

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IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019

IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover1
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Cover2
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine - October 2019 - Contents
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