Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 38

service, select the most promising
ones. All resulting plans should be
coordinated with other IEEE Societies and other professional organizations (such as the Association
for Computing Machinery) that face
similar challenges of becoming more
practically useful."
Systems Science
In addressing the board, Prof. Roberts emphasized his belief that technical area VPs are responsible for
increasing the technical quality of
SMCS activities, including SMCSsponsored meetings, publications,
technical committee (TC) activities,
and Chapter activities. He pledged to
work to strengthen and enhance the
SSE area. He will focus on increasing
TC involvement, which is critical for
supporting meetings, publications,
and membership activities and for
improving the reputation of SMCS.
"As we strive to increase the
prestige of the annual IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics and other SMCSsponsored conferences, the support
of the TCs to improve the quality of
submissions will be critical," Prof.
Roberts declared. He then went on to
state, "It is, therefore, important that
we encourage our TC members and
acknowledge their efforts. Improving
the Society's standing among peer
organizations is another important
objective. Indeed, there are a number
of IEEE and non-IEEE organizations
that focus on systems. It is essential that we continue to identify and
develop new systems-related areas in
which our Society excels. We need to
continue developing new activities,
such as the SSE-area book project."
In addition to addressing the issues
already mentioned, his goals are
to support SMCS conferences and
publications, including IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine; encourage the development of
Webinars to complement the Webinar series being developed by HMS;
and encourage the development of
online tutorials.

About Vladik Kreinovich
Vladik Kreinovich (
received his M.S. degree in mathematics and computer science from St.
Petersburg University, Russia, in 1974
and his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Mathematics, Soviet Academy
of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, in
1979. From 1975 to 1980, he worked
with the Soviet Academy of Sciences;
during this time, he worked with the
Special Astrophysical Observatory. In
the 1980s, he was with the National
Institute for Electrical Measuring
Instruments, Russia. In 1989, he was
a visiting scholar at Stanford University, California. Since 1990, he has
worked in the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Texas at El Paso. In addition, he has
served as an invited professor in
Paris (University of Paris VI), France;
Hong Kong; St. Petersburg, Russia;
and Brazil.
His main interests are the repre sent at ion a nd proces si ng of
uncertainty, especially interval computations and intelligent control. He
has published six books, ten edited
books, and more than 1,000 papers.
He is a member of the editorial board
of Reliable Computing International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, and several other journals. In
addition, he is the comaintainer of
the International Web site on Interval
Computations, http://www.cs.utep.
Prof. Kreinovich was the president of the North American Fuzzy
Information Processing Society in
2012-2014, the chair of the Fuzzy
Technical Committee of the IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society
in 2013, a member of the SMCS Board
of Governors, and a foreign member
of the Russian Academy of Metrological Sciences. He was a corecipient of the 2005 Star Award from the
University of Texas System.
Prof. Kreinovich has been an
IEEE Member since 1991 and a member of the Fuzzy Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society since 2003.
In 2003-2007, he chaired the Fuzzy

IEEE SyStEmS, man, & CybErnEtICS magazInE Janu ar y 2015

Technical Committee's Task Force
on Interval Computations and Fuzzy
Techniques, and in 2013, he was the
chair of the IEEE Fuzzy Technical
Committee. He has served as a member of the program committees of
numerous IEEE conferences, such as
the IEEE International Conference on
Fuzzy Systems, the IEEE Symposium
on Foundations of Computational
Intelligence, the IEEE International
Conference on Granular Computing,
and the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control.
Since 1992, he has actively participated in annual international
conferences organized by the North
American Fuzzy Information Processing Society and cosponsored by
SMCS and has often been a member of conference program committees. In 2008 and 2009, he served as
cochair of the Program Committee
and was the general cochair of the
2011 and 2015 conferences.
He has been a reviewer for IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics since 1999. He has presented and reviewed papers at several IEEE SMCS conferences and was
the organizer of the Norbert Wiener
Panel at 2014 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics. He is a Senior Member
of the IEEE.
About Rodney Roberts
Rodney Roberts (rroberts@eng.fsu.
edu) received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering and in mathematics
from the Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology in 1987 and his M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1988 and 1992, respectively,
from Purdue University. From 1992 to
1994, he was a National Research
Council Fellow at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Since
1994, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Florida State University, where he is currently a professor.
His research and teaching interests
center on the analysis, simulation,
and control of human-robot systems,  especially for the design of


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015

Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - Cover1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - Cover2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 1
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 2
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 4
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 5
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 6
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 7
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 8
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 9
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 10
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 11
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 12
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 13
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 14
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 15
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 16
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 17
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 18
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 19
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 20
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 21
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 22
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 23
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 24
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 25
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 26
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 27
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 28
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 29
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Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 31
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Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 33
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - 34
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Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - Cover3
Systems, Man & Cybernetics - January 2015 - Cover4