IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 38

methods, such as passenger rail,
are an alternative transport mode,
w ith high pa ssenger throughput, particularly in dense urban
areas. Passenger rail efficiently
contributes to VKT reduction and,
when integrated in a multi-modal
transport system, is complementary to other transport services
such as driverless cars or mobilityas-a-service solutions.

Negotiation, Regulation,
and Management
A city is a very complex ecosystem,
composed of many interacting
organisms, each one having different goals and values. The balance and health of this ecosystem
depends on negotiation, regulation,
and management processes. In the
future, driverless cars will be an
additional organism in the city,
and these vehicles will have to
find their place without degrading
the balance of the overall fragile
city ecosystem.
Understanding the effects of
driverless vehicles in societies is an
active research field, and innovative

transform the auto industry. Advanced Industries, McKinsey & Company.
[4] Manyika J., Chui M., Bughin J., Dobbs
R., Bisson P., Marrs A., 2013. Disruptive
technologies: advances that will transform
life, business, and the global economy.
McKinsey Global Institute New York.
[5] Martinez, L. M., Crist, P., Viegas, J., 2015.
Urban Mobility System Upgrade How shared
self-driving cars could change city traffic. Rep.
n.: 6. International Transport Forum Policy Papers.
DOI 10.1787/5jlwvzdk29g5-en.
[6] Fagnant, D., Kockelman, K., 2016.
Dynamic ride-sharing and optimal fleet sizing for a system of shared autonomous vehicles in Austin, Texas. Transportation 45: 1-16.
[7] Stephens, T. et al., 2016. Estimated
Bounds and Important Factors for Fuel Use
and Consumer Costs of Connected and
Automated Vehicles, Technical Report, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (;
[8] Bagloee, S. A., Tavana, T., Asadi, M.,
Oliver, T., 2016. Autonomous vehicles: challenges, opportunities, and future implications
for transportation policies. J. Mod. Transport.
24(4):284-303. DOI 10.1007/s40534-016-0117-3
[9] Smith, B. W., 2012. Managing Autonomous Transportation Demand, 52 Santa
Clara L. Rev. 1401.
[10] Hensher, D. A., Bliemer, M. C., 2014. What
type of road pricing scheme might appeal to
politicians? Viewpoints on the challenge in
gaining the citizen and public servant vote by
staging reform. Transp Res Part A, 61:227-237.
[11] Litman, T., 1997. Full cost accounting
of urban transportation: implications and
tools, Cities, Vol 14, 3:169-174.

and unbiased approaches taking
into account the various components involved are required. Urban
and transport planners, politicians
and citizens now have a time window to discuss and design communities of the future. It is not futuristic
to imagine liveable cities, walkable
and less polluted, with wider green
areas and parks, offering a diversity
of high-quality mobility services,
including driverless cars and passenger rails.

Author Information
Teresa Galvão Dias is with the Department of Engineering and Industrial
Management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. Email:,

[1] Mervis, J., 2017. Are We Going Too Fast on
Driverless Cars?. Science Magazine (, at
[2] Litman, T., 2015. Autonomous vehicle
implementation predictions. Victoria Transport Policy Institute 28.
[3] Gao, P., Kaas, H. W., Mohr, D., Wee, D.,
2016. Automotive revolution-perspective
towards 2030: How the convergence of
disruptive technology-driven trends could

Being Human in this Technical World
IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century 2020
Anna University, Chennai, India
23-26 July 2020
As the world becomes increasingly cyber, the founder of cybernetics and of information ethics, Norbert Wiener, becomes
more increasingly relevant. Following successful conferences in Boston and Melbourne, the third IEEE Conference on
Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century will be held at Anna University, Chennai, India, July 23-26, 2020. Wiener spent many
months in India in the 1950s, and the conference will look at the current state of his multidisciplinary technologies, the
information ethics field which he pioneered, and his links to India. The conference will be of significance to technologists,
ethicists, academics, cyber industry practitioners, and historians of technology, among others.
Call for papers and other information can be found at:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MTS.2019.2919045




JUNE 2019

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - Cover1
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - Cover2
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 1
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - Contents
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 3
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 4
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 5
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 6
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 7
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 8
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 9
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 10
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 11
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 12
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 13
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 14
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 15
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 16
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IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 18
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 19
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IEEE Technology and Society Magazine - June 2019 - 21
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