Ready. Set. Go! With recreational opportunities so readily available and the terrain varied and challenging, it's no surprise the Alleghany Highlands is home to a number of outdoor races and competitions: TOP: Gran Fondo Cycling Festival MAY The Alleghany Highlands Triathlon and Middle Mountain Momma Mountain Biking Event JUNE The Jackson River Scenic Trail Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K JULY The Gran Fondo Cycling Festival AUGUST The Lake Moomaw One-Mile Open Water Swim VISIT and for more local outdoor adventures. LEFT: Horseback riding at Douthat State Park River Scenic Trail, a 14.4-mile trail that runs parallel to the Jackson River on an old railroad bed and is composed of smooth crushed gravel and suitable for all walks of life. The trail is truly a sight to see with its proximity to the natural beauty of the Jackson River and adds to the Alleghany Highlands number of unparalleled options that gives the region its nickname of "Virginia's Mountain Playground." The Blueway Any conversation about recreation in the Alleghany Highlands must begin with the Blueway. Headlined by the gem of the region, the Jackson River's 30 miles of navigable waters that flow through the area are enjoyed by kayakers, canoers and anglers alike, while the Cowpasture River in the eastern part of the community features roughly 10 miles of some of the most pristine water in the entire 19