Images of America Series Falling Spring Falls captured by drone The natural beauty of the area, the focus on collaboration among localities to market community assets, low operating costs and friendly residents are a few of the things about the Alleghany Highlands that are getting noticed! For more information about the AHEDC programs and services, contact 540.862.0936 or visit The AHEDC office is located on the Clifton Forge campus of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College, off Interstate 64 exit 24. * THE IMAGES OF AMERICA series celebrates the history of neighborhoods, towns and cities across the country. Using archival photographs, each title presents the distinctive stories from the past that shape the character of the community today. These 4 books celebrate the history of Alleghany County, Clifton Forge, Covington & the C&O Railway by preserving local heritage and making history available to all. "Images of America" books can be purchased at the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce office and in shops in Clifton Forge and Covington. 29