MSA_Pure_Spirits_2019_Q2 - 6
Outgoing MSA President Tony Mitchell welcomes the newly elected MSA
Board of Directors. By Tony Mitchell
Tony Mitchell
Sam Awdish,
Conrad Haremza,
Brian Pizzuti,
Jacqueline Fonti,
George Zrinyi,
Vice President & Director
Secretary & Director
Treasurer & Director
Kevin Wood,
Jason Piwko,
Jared Rapp,
Lisa Hebert,
Brian Bulles,
Paul Wolfe,
Small Distillers
Representative & Director
Alt. Director
David Kelly,
Alt. Director
Alt. Director
Alt. Director
Rick Kral,
Alt. Director
legislators and regulators who serve the citizens
of the state, and with so many leaders of the spirits industry.
While we made progress on many fronts, grew
the organization, impacted regulations and legislation, created responsible and educational tasting events for the public, and shared many great
stories and much information through our Pure
Spirits Magazine, there is much more work to be
done. I'm confident that our new President Sam
Awdish, along with all the newly elected officers
and directors, will continue in carrying out the
mission, and I will be around as well in the office
of Immediate Past President. Please help me in
congratulating all the following newly elected
Officers & Directors of the MSA for 2019 - 2020:
President & Director - Sam Awdish, Casamigo's Tequila
Vice President & Director - Conrad Haremza, Proximo
Treasurer & Director - Brian Pizzuti, Republic National
Distributing Co.
Secretary & Director - Jacqueline Fonti, Broken Shed
Director - George Zrinyi, Agave Loco
Director - Kevin Wood, William Grant & Sons
Director - Jason Piwko, Stoli USA
Small Distillers Representative & Director - Jared Rapp,
Traverse City Whiskey
Alt. Director - Lisa Hebert, Remy USA
Alt. Director - Brian Bulles, Southern Glazers Wine &
Alt. Director - Paul Wolfe, Bacardi USA
Alt. Director - David Kelly, Beam Suntory
Alt. Director - Rick Kral, Constellation Brands
T. Mitchell
Tony Mitchell, Infinium Spirits
Immediate Past President & Director,
Michigan Spirits Association
S THE OUTGOING President of the
Michigan Spirits Association (MSA), I
welcome and congratulate the newly
elected officers and directors of the MSA. These
fine men and women have committed to serving
for the next two years to continue the mission of
the MSA that was started 52 years ago by some
leaders of the industry at that time.
It is a great responsibility that these men and
women bear to continue that mission that includes:
* Supporting, advocating and educating the
citizens and policy makers in the State of Michigan in the responsible consumption of spirits that are crafted, produced and or sold in the
state of MI in manners consistent with the quality
standards of the industry.
* Working with federal and state authorities
in the promotion of proper distribution systems
and observance of laws relative to the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages throughout
Michigan, and working toward the establishment
of sound administrative and regulatory standards as a matter of public policy.
* Maintaining the industry upon a high and
ethical basis to the end that it will command
public respect, and working for the prevention of
practices within the industry which are contrary
to sound public policy, including opposing improper methods and illegitimate practices inimical to the proper conduct of the industry.
The Spirits Industry in Michigan contributes
over $400 million annually to the revenues of the
state which is many times more than beer, wine
and cannabis combined. It has been an honor and
privilege to serve as the President of the MSA over
the past two years and to work with so many great
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MSA_Pure_Spirits_2019_Q2
MSA_Pure_Spirits_2019_Q2 - 1
MSA_Pure_Spirits_2019_Q2 - 2
MSA_Pure_Spirits_2019_Q2 - 3
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