MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 26

of the Orioles and president of the National Brewing

1 ½ oz. whiskey

Company, which at the time produced Natty Boh.

¾ oz. sweet vermouth

If you enjoy liqueurs-or are looking for something

dash of bitters ice

new and unusual-try another local favorite from the

orange peel

District. Don Ciccio & Figli make a wonderful fennel

maraschino cherries

liqueur. This 100 percent grain spirit is infused with

* Put whiskey, bitters and ice in a shaker. Rub

hand-picked wild fennel, anise, fennel seed and dill.

the orange peel around the rim of a cocktail glass

The distillery was founded by Francesco Amodeo,

(Don't worry Nats fans, this won't turn red drink

who comes from a family of wine-makers, chefs and

orange). Strain drink into a cocktail glass. Toss

liqueur-makers on the Amalfi Coast of Italy. He moved

in a cherry or two, and enjoy the great taste and

to DC, worked in the city's dining scene, and now cre-

red colors! For a sweeter and more well balanced

ates the same type of small-batch craft drinks that his

drink, mix with bourbon instead of rye or blended

family is known for.

whiskey. Twin Valley Single Cask Barrel Bourbon-

How about a classic cocktail? A gin & tonic is

from the first distillery in Montgomery County since

perfect for warm weather. Or better yet, make it a

Prohibition (and actually since the late 1880s)-is a

gimlet-just switch out the tonic for seltzer water and

fantastic option, especially if you're pouring for a

add plenty of fresh-squeezed lime juice. A gimlet is

mixed crowd of Nats and Orioles fans.

less bitter and much more refreshing than a G&T. For

If you're in a tropical frame of mind, reach for

Nationals fans, feel free to make your cocktail with

a frozen strawberry daquiri. Sure, you'll need a

Green Hat Gin from New Columbia, the first craft distill-

blender, but you'll have 8 delicious servings in about

ery in DC. If you dare, use their Navy Strength variety.

10 minutes:

If you want good old American whiskey, look no

¾ cup rum

further than Sagamore Rye. Produced in a scenic

1/6 cup lime juice

waterfront distillery in Port Covington, Baltimore,

6 cups ice

Sagamore is perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks. If

½ cup sugar

you're in the mood for something a little more snazzy,

4 oz. strawberries

how about a whiskey sour with Sagamore Rye? This


orange-colored cocktail is ideal for Baltimore fans-the

blender. Add lime juice and rum. Blend until

perfect marriage

smooth. Pour and serve. You're basically at the

of local spirits and

beach now-on a hot day, nothing beats a frozen

local spirit. Here's
the recipe:
1 ½ oz. rye whiskey
¾ oz. fresh lemon juice
1 oz. simple syrup
a splash of OJ

Combine the ingredients

in a rocks glass with ice, stir, and
garnish with a maraschino cherry
and orange wedge skewered on a
cocktail sword. Note-if the color isn't
Oriole-orange enough for you, add a little extra OJ.

drink. Marylanders may want to use Picaroon
Gold Rum from Blackwater Distilling, the state's
most highly awarded spirits producer.
What kind of cocktail should you choose in a house
divided, when you've got Orioles and Nationals fans
living inside the same four walls? Or if you root for
both teams? How about a tequila sunrise-it's orange
and red! Here's what you'll need:
2 oz. tequila
4 oz. OJ
¾ oz. grenadine

Fill a tall glass with ice. Combine tequila and

Another orange drink is the impeccably

OJ in a shaker, add more ice. Shake and strain

simple but always festive mimosa. This is

into the highball glass. Slowly pour the grena-

a great choice for brunch, dinner, the ball-

dine over a spoon and allow it to settle on the

game, or even a midnight snack. Just mix

bottom. You'll have a lovely drink that's bright

one part OJ with 2 parts champagne. That's

orange on top, deep red on the bottom. Garnish

it. Serve in a champagne flute with an orange

with an orange wedge and maraschino cherry.
No matter which end of the beltway you're on, or

For Nationals' fans, try one

even if you're in the middle somewhere, these drinks

of the world's most iconic

will help get you through the long hot days of spring

cocktails, the Manhattan:


Combine ice, sugar and strawberries in a

and summer. Even if your team loses, you win. ♦



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2

MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 1
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 2
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 3
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 4
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 5
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 6
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 7
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 8
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 9
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 10
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 11
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 12
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 13
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 14
MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 15
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MontgomeryCountySpirits-2018-Q2 - 19
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