The Essences of Fall & Winter Cold weather is a time to appreciate deep, rich flavors. These recipes from Virginia distilleries make the most of these crisp, cool seasons. PORT ON PORT from Virginia Distillery, Lovington TOM COLLINS ▷ 2 OZ. GIN ▷ ¾ OZ. FRESH LEMON JUICE ▷ ½ OZ. SIMPLE SYRUP ▷ 3 OZ. CLUB SODA, CHILLED Add the gin, lemon juice and simple syrup to a mixing glass with ice. Stir thoroughly. Strain into a Champagne flute and top with club soda. 14 VIRGINIA ABC | ABC.VIRGINIA.GOV ▷ 1½ OZ. PORT CASK VIRGINIAHIGHLAND WHISKY ▷ ¼ OZ. RUBY PORT-STYLE WINE ▷ ½ OZ. SIMPLE SYRUP ▷ 1 TEASPOON FRESH LEMON JUICE ▷ BLACK WALNUT BITTERS Combine all ingredients except bitters in shaker. Add ice and shake well. Strain into coupe glass and top with 3 to 4 dashes of bitters. WINTER BOURBON SMASH from A. Smith Bowman, Fredericksburg ▷ 1½ OZ. BOWMAN BROTHERS BOURBON ▷ 2 TABLESPOONS JAM OR PRESERVES OF CHOICE ▷ ½ OZ. TRIPLE SEC ▷ 1 OZ. ORANGE JUICE ▷ SPLASH OF CLUB SODA ▷ ORANGE WEDGE Add all ingredients to a shaker half filled with ice. Shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled glass with ice. Top with a splash of club soda. Garnish with an orange wedge. http://ABC.VIRGINIA.GOV