SNOWY COCKTAILS RUSTY NAIL From A simple and smooth cocktail for Scotch lovers during the holiday season. ▷ 2¼ OZ. SCOTCH ▷ 1¼ OZ. DRAMBUIE ▷ ICE CUBES Fill a rocks glass halfway with ice. Pour in ingredients, stir and garnish with lemon or orange spiral. APPLE BOURBON COCKTAIL An easy sipper for the whiskey lover. CRANBERRY GIN FIZZ From Virginia ABC. This simple cocktail brings holiday flavors to your glass; good for before, during or after dinner (or any time of day during the festive months!). ▷ 1 OZ. GIN ▷ 1 OZ. ORANGE LIQUEUR ▷ 1 TBSP. CRANBERRY SAUCE Shake gin, orange liqueur and cranberry sauce in a shaker with ice, then strain into an ice-filled rocks glass. Top with club soda and garnish with an orange slice and a sprig of rosemary. Cheers! ▷ 1 OZ. APPLE BOURBON ▷ 2 OZ. APPLE CIDER ▷ 2 OZ. GINGER ALE ▷ ICE CUBES Combine apple bourbon and cider in a shaker filled with ice. Shake until chilled. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice. Garnish with cubed apples, a cinnamon stick, a clove and one star anise. DISCOVER THE HEART OF OUR LAND. Wines grown, crafted and loved by Virginians. SPIRITED VIRGINIA | OCTOBER | NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2019 31