froM the eDItor Warm Sleeves The perfect garment renders November a perfect time of year. by Kurt Rheinheimer I think the first one was your classic gray v-neck sweater. Where on that first sharply cool day of high school, I could pull it on over a shirt, carefully position and re-position the nestle of the button-down shirt collar until I was sure I was going to be the coolestlooking guy in the school. Worth a clIck Vote for the happIeSt MountaIn toWnS & WIn $100! More nIght SkIeS See more stunning photos at Night get Your free e-neWSletterS But that fantasy was only the half of it: There was just something very satisfying about pulling on a garment that had a real function, that announced by its presence that genuinely chilly weather had arrived. I tried the letter sweater a few times my senior year, but its being too heavy (do they make chainmailheavy knits like that any more?), along with the fact that you felt sort of like a billboard sent me back to the v-necks. Move forward too many More