CONTENTS F E AT U R E S 26 Fifty Strange Things in the Mountains Snow in July? Winds at 200 mph? The deepest cave anywhere? It's all here, plus lots more weirdness. BY GINNY NEIL 36 The Chimney Rock Postcard The card, originally sent in 1947, has come back to where it started. BY GLORIDA EDWARDS 38 The Photo Essay: Blueways, Lakes and More Our contributing photographers celebrate the season for splashing and swimming, fishing and floating. 42 Alan Shuptrine's "I Come from a Place" The new book celebrates the Appalachian Trail with runner Jennifer Pharr Davis and with Shuptrine's paintings. BY NANCY HENDERSON 46 The Steward of Sunshine Julie "Jules" Johnson is not only a fabulous river guide on Tennessee's Ocoee River, but also a fervent advocate for her part of the state. BY NANCY HENDERSON 50 Top Trending Destinations: 35 to Visit Our readers have weighed in on places to go that travel data shows to be on the rise in visitor popularity. BY ANGELA MINOR & JOE TENNIS PHOTO ON THIS PAGE: Mike Koenig shot Duggers Creek Falls in North Carolina's Linville Gorge Wilderness, soon after a heavy rain. DEPARTMENTS 6 7 8 10 12 14 4 Letters/Contributors/Worth a Click From the Editor Mill Creek Stories Creature Feature The Good Walk Our Blue Ridge Towns BLUERIDGECOUNTRY.COM 16 20 70 72 74 Festivals & Events ON THE COVER Country Roads Rock City's Lovers Leap is famous for its views of seven states. For details on visiting Rock City and 34 more great mountain destinations, see our readerpoll selections beginning on page 50. Photo courtesy Rock City. Flavors Singing in the Garden Guest Column