P H O T O E S S AY Spring Awakens And as it does, it brings forth a blend of beautiful color to the mountains-from the pastel hues of new leaves and blooms to that warm light of an early morning. Our contributing photographers present a few enticing glimpses. Spring storms at sunset pass over the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia at the Point Overlook at Milepost 55.5 of Skyline Drive. PHOTO BY NICHOLAS MOORE TOP INSET: Exposed dogwoods, as this one, are among the first flowers to appear in spring. This one, at Abbott Lake on the Virginia Blue Ridge Parkway- elevation 2,493 feet- was in full bloom in early April. PHOTO BY NYE SIMMONS BOTTOM INSET: These large white erect trilliums- " angels over forest floor " -bloom in April and were photographed along Forney Creek in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. PHOTO BY HAROLD ROSS 34 BLUERIDGECOUNTRY.COM