P H O T O E S S AY ABOVE: Ephemerals like white trillium and fringed phacelia appear above ground only in early spring, and are visible along the Cove Hardwood Nature Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. PHOTO BY J. SCOTT GRAHAM RIGHT: This bear and its sister-nicknamed Boo Boo and Ballew by Sallie Woodring-saunter up her driveway on certain spring mornings, and are always peaceful. They were abandoned as small cubs in 2019 and have remained as " neighbors. " Boo Boo also appears to be a fan of the spring bloom of wintercress. PHOTO BY SALLIE WOODRING Ice, snow and cold combine to create a wonderland. 36 BLUERIDGECOUNTRY.COMhttp://www.BLUERIDGECOUNTRY.COM