MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR1
Total Vehicle Climate and Thermal ManagementTM
March 2015
By Dave Hobbs, MACS Technical Correspondent
When it comes to Electronic Service Information (ESI)
resources, a couple of my favorite words are free and cheap.
Although I've always been willing to spend money on information and resources to diagnose and repair vehicles, if I
find there are no-charge or inexpensive tools and web resources
available, I'm naturally interested in checking them out. I'm going to guess you may also be of a similar mindset, so let's take a
bit of time to identify various internet resources that are out there
to help us out, without breaking our bank accounts.
Today's aftermarket information sources are an excellent
value. Mitchell, Motor, ALLDATA, Moto Logic and Identi-
fix (to name a few) are typically accurate and easy to use.
On the other hand, the frequency of occurrences where these
service information providers contain apparent errors and
omissions is not small. In fact, the problem is great enough
to motivate any good automotive aftermarket technician or
shop owner to maintain those friendships with their contemporaries at OEM dealerships in order to ask for the occasional 'favor' in getting the latest OEM information. This isn't
always practical, so there are a few solutions to help you find
the true OEM service information and other helpful web resources at reasonable prices. ■
Sometimes the apparent mistakes in aftermarket
ESI systems are also in the OEM site.
The National Automotive Service Task Force
( contains a wealth of valuable service information. While NASTF's main attraction
is their OEM Service Matrix section containing live
links to all passenger car and light duty truck OEM
service websites, there is a lot more that they offer.
NASTF's site also has a wealth of other resources,
such as a spreadsheet affording an easy to browse
overview of pricing for various OEM ESI subscriptions. Pricing is sometimes as low as $20 for a week
long OEM ESI subscription. A general rule of thumb
for accessing OEM ESI is this: if you have spent
more than one hour of frustration trying to find an
accurate wiring diagram, component electrical pin
chart, service theory of operation, description or
specification with your aftermarket ESI, it's worth
the expense to pay for the OEM information in order to either find the accurate information you are
trying to locate, or at least determine if the mistake
or omission is the same with the OEM information.
An additional piece of valuable service information available from NASTF is on the subject of J2534
reprogramming. On NASTF's website, you'll find a
one hour free training video jammed with information on programming from leading industry experts.
Experts like Michael Herron from Drew Technologies (J2534 tool maker), Bob Augustine (director of
training for Christian Brothers Automotive), and
Bob Stewart (AC Delco) guide you through the
electronic module programming maze to help you
make sense of tool specifications and best practices
for this very technical service endeavor. To watch
this informative video, click on NASTF's home
page icon, then NASTF General Meetings and then
click on NASTF YouTube Channel to watch this video
and several others that are very helpful in educating you on how the OEM's are providing service
information access to the aftermarket.
TECHNICIAN AND SHOP OWNER ASSOCIATIONS - WATCHING OUT FOR YOU! ........................................................... 6
MACS Service Reports is the official technical publication of the
Mobile Air Conditioning Society Worldwide, Inc., P.O. Box 88,
Lansdale, PA 19446. The material published in MACS Service
Reports expresses the views of the contributors and not necessarily that of MACS. Every attempt has been made to ensure
March 2015
the accuracy of the content of MACS Service Reports. MACS,
however, will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information published nor will MACS Worldwide be liable in any way for
injury, labor, parts or other expenses resulting from the use of
information appearing in MACS Service Reports.
MACS Service Reports
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Service Reports - 2015
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY8
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MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC8