MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV1
Total Vehicle Climate and Thermal ManagementTM
November 2015
By Dave Hobbs, MACS Technical Correspondent
Motor & Equipment
Manufacturers' Association
The technical and business side of repairing vehicles
BEFORE they break
We regularly cover the most technical aspects of HVAC mechanical and electrical repairs in our monthly service reports to
help you tackle today's technology challenges. The benefit of being technically educated is greatly diminished, however, if you
are struggling to keep your business growing! Have you ever
heard the phrase work smarter, not harder and thought nice
idea, but how? Then this MACS Service Report is for you! This
month we'll cover some proven techniques to work smarter by
focusing on PM (preventative maintenance). First we'll provide
the business aspect of motivating yourself and your customers
on the virtues of PM, and then we'll present the nuts and bolts
(and software) side of the case for preventative maintenance to
keep yourself and your customer informed on this often overlooked aspect of today's auto repair business.
Figure 1: What percentage of the $60,000,000,000. in unperformed
maintenance would you like?
number, of course, includes A/C systems that need proper
charging, cooling systems that need flushing, brake pads that
need replacing, overdue oil changes, tire rotations, and so on.
That financial number is mind boggling. 60 Billion is just slightly
under the net worth of Bill Gates. According to the US Bureau of
Labor Statistics, there are around 700,000 techs ready to do that
work should the vehicle owners opt to have it all done this year.
Now let's do the math. In fact, you can even do a very conservative discount of that number and estimate that as much as half
of that will never be performed due to a substantial number of
vehicle owners who can barely afford to put gas in their rides,
much less spend money on PM. That number would also include the vehicle owners who probably could but won't spend
money on their vehicles until they break down. If you do the
math now, with $60B X 50% ($30B) and divide that into the
number of technicians (700K), you get around $43,000 of unperformed maintenance per technician per year. Every shop owner
The Preventative Maintenance Numbers World
Preventative maintenance seems so obvious: Pay me a little
now to prevent paying me A LOT MORE later on down the
road. But the obvious things in life are sometimes the hardest to
grip in this overly technical world we live in. PM is so obvious
in fact, it's not only overlooked by many customers, it's overlooked by a lot of repair shops! A quick look at statistics reveals
that over the last decade, the financial number that is consistent
is that there is annually around 60 billion dollars worth of unperformed maintenance in the United States according to MEMA
(the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers' Association). See Figure 1.
$60,000,000,000. That's a lot of PM not being performed! The
NUTS AND BOLTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
MACS Service Reports is the official technical publication of the
Mobile Air Conditioning Society Worldwide, Inc., P.O. Box 88,
Lansdale, PA 19446. The material published in MACS Service
Reports expresses the views of the contributors and not necessarily that of MACS. Every attempt has been made to ensure
November 2015
the accuracy of the content of MACS Service Reports. MACS,
however, will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information published nor will MACS Worldwide be liable in any way for
injury, labor, parts or other expenses resulting from the use of
information appearing in MACS Service Reports.
MACS Service Reports
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Service Reports - 2015
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC8