MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP1


Total Vehicle Climate and Thermal ManagementTM

September 2015

By Paul Weissler, Senior MACS Field Correspondent

Even the many shops that rely primarily on the aftermarket service information systems (Mitchell's ProDemand,
AllData and Identifix) will occasionally buy a short-term
subscription to one of the OE websites. The usual reason is
to look for in-depth information they can't find on the aftermarket systems. We've said repeatedly that if you're looking
for something specific, you can ask your aftermarket service
to email it to you. But there's nothing like going onto the
OE site and looking around when you're trying to noodle
through a problem. You'll often see things which you never even thought existed, much less thought to ask for. This
can be a particular issue with HVAC and cooling systems.
Many of the aftermarket service information sites, which
of course do not provide 100% coverage, are more likely to
have gaps in specialty areas like those.
Before you pay for the short-term access, however, you
should be wary about actually being able to go through the
site. All these OE sites were developed with Microsoft Windows (nothing Apple we've encountered except Mazda) using Microsoft's browser Internet Explorer, and where needed, an Adobe Reader for PDFs and some viewer for graphics.
With all the changes and upheavals in these internet areas,
we have what can politely be called a mess. Windows and
IE (as well as the other browsers) make continuous changes,
creating problem areas, and so no surprise the OE support
teams for these websites can't be sure of what works and
what doesn't. Presumably you've heard that Internet Explorer is on its way out, but first there'll be an IE-12, later to be
replaced by Microsoft Edge, although right now you can't
get anything but IE-11 at the Microsoft site (which won't do
you any good if you are looking for IE-10). You also can get
only Adobe Reader 11 at the site, but as you'll
see, that may not work in all cases. If you have a Windows

7 machine, treasure it, and if it comes with Internet Explorer
10 and Adobe Reader 9.0, pet it gently every day and avoid
Every OE site gives you a list of system requirements. The
link often is hidden somewhere on the site, in small print.
The odds are that your computer is not an absolute match
for all of them. A specific site may have been upgraded, but
the system requirements listed may not have been updated.
This doesn't mean you can't navigate the site, but if you can't,
the tech support for the site may or may not be able to help
you. Let's review the situation at the high volume car sites.
In any case, do not just search for software that is not the
current edition at the official site. That is, you want Adobe
Reader only from Adobe, which means 11. You want Internet Explorer only from the Microsoft site, and that also
means 11. You can find all sorts of free download offers for
lower number versions at other sites. Avoid them, because
most are not trustworthy. They will load your computer
with viruses, adware and malware that you may not be able
to uninstall.

General Motors' Website
GM says to use only Windows 7.0 or 8.0, not 8.1 and Internet Explorer 10, and is adamant about avoiding IE-11. Well,
we have several computers and the only one on which we
got full access is a Windows 8.1 with IE-11, thanks to some
"adjustments" suggested by tech support (adding a couple
of "trusted site" entries that for formatting reasons cannot be
added to our Windows 7 machine). If you are working on
2012 vehicles or older, the Windows 8.1 and 7.0 work normally with IE-11, but if you try 2013 or newer, you can still
access the service information, but you get a message to install a "CGM" viewer for the wiring diagrams. We did that

AND NOW, FOR A REAL TOUGHIE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
A NEW JEEP, A NEW LIQUID LINE AND MORE .......................................................................................................................... 7

MACS Service Reports is the official technical publication of the
Mobile Air Conditioning Society Worldwide, Inc., P.O. Box 88,
Lansdale, PA 19446. The material published in MACS Service
Reports expresses the views of the contributors and not necessarily that of MACS. Every attempt has been made to ensure

September 2015

the accuracy of the content of MACS Service Reports. MACS,
however, will not be responsible for the accuracy of the information published nor will MACS Worldwide be liable in any way for
injury, labor, parts or other expenses resulting from the use of
information appearing in MACS Service Reports.


MACS Service Reports

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Service Reports - 2015

MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JAN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - FEB8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - APR8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - MAY8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUN8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - JUL8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - AUG8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - SEP7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - OCT8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - NOV8
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC1
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC2
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC3
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC4
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC5
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC6
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC7
MACS Service Reports - 2015 - DEC8