MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR4
Steve Schaeber
MACS Staff
Figure 7: It might sound simple, but we've all been burned by this one
before. It doesn't take long, and a quick check of the fuses and relays could
save you quite a bit of diagnostic time. You'd surely think so if you started
out tracing circuits only to find that a bad relay or burned out fuse ended
up being the problem!
Figure 5: The high side manifold block of this 2016 RAV4 is similar to
that which can be found on most other Toyota products. Shown is the
three-wire high side pressure sensor (transducer) and high side service
Steve Schaeber
that I knew something was up; they had no answer except that, "for some reason they couldn't figure it out."
When I stopped by the shop, the car was already in a
bay and connected to their R/R/R machine. The gauges
were reading around 100 psi (it was hot that day), and
it appeared as though all the components were properly
installed and connected. So I followed up by using their
Snap-On scanner to check the A/C PIDs.
With the scanner connected to the OBD-II port, I first
wanted to see whether or not the PCM was even getting
an input signal from the head unit to turn on the air conditioning. It's pretty easy to do, as most of the available
OEM or aftermarket scan tools are capable of displaying
this somewhat basic information. The nice thing about
looking at a scan tool's live data stream is that it not only
shows YES / NO for A/C REQUEST, but also ON/OFF
for A/C RELAY (which is what operates the compressor
clutch). See Figure 8. That way, you know if the PCM is
receiving a request signal from the operator, and also if
the PCM is commanding the clutch on or not. In this case
I was seeing YES for the request, but OFF for the relay
command. For some reason, the PCM was not allowing
the compressor clutch to engage.
Looking further, I was not surprised to see 0 on the
A/C HI-SIDE (PSI) display, since that would explain
why the compressor was not turning on. Now I had a
starting point, because without this primary input there
is no way the A/C will work if the PCM doesn't know
how much pressure is in the system. In fact, when trying to command the compressor clutch relay to ON with
the scan tool, I was not able to make it work because the
PCM would not allow compressor operation as long as
the signal from the high side transducer was missing.
Therefore, this had to be fixed first.
Just above the REQUEST - RELAY line on the display
is where the scanner shows the values for the pressure
transducer. On the left side it says "AC HI-SIDE (V)"
which is the measurement in volts that the PCM is receiving back from the transducer. On the right it says
Figure 6: That little green A/C light doesn't mean the A/C system is actually
operating. Rather, it's an indicator to the driver that the A/C button has been
pressed (turned on), requesting A/C function from the PCM.
point they thought there was just one possibility left to
try: that high side pressure sensor.
You can probably tell where this is going, and that after
they replaced the sensor with a new one, the compressor
still would not engage. At this point they're tired, have
quite a bit of time and money invested in the job, and
are getting more frustrated with each passing day. Not to
mention the customer's not too happy either, considering this job was well on its way into week two and still
not finished yet.
That's where I got involved, as it didn't take long for
the shop's owner to stop by and ask me for help. He explained all the work they had done, and it immediately
sounded to me like there was a control system issue going on that they just hadn't quite nailed down yet. Maybe
the dash controls were not working, a connector in the relay/fuse panel was burned, or some wires got damaged
somehow (Figure 7). But with all the new parts they had
installed, it just didn't seem likely that any of the refrigerant system hard parts could be the culprit at this point.
I asked them if they had used a scan tool to check any
of the A/C PIDs (Parameter Identification), and was assured they had done so a few times. But that didn't quite
make sense either, because they should have been able to
get pressure sensor readings from that high side transducer while also being able to command the compressor
clutch on and off. It was when I asked about their results
March 2016
MACS Service Reports
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Service Reports - 2016
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JAN8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - FEB8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAR8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - APR8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - MAY8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUN8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - JUL8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - AUG8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - SEP8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - OCT8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - NOV8
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC1
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC2
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC3
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC4
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC5
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC6
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC7
MACS Service Reports - 2016 - DEC8