MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY7

Deionized water classifications are Class 1, Class
2 and Class 4. The lower the number the greater
insulative quality and higher the cost. ChemWorld
is one producer lab / wholesaler of coolant, DI and
distilled water. A 55 Gallon Drum of Class 1 DI currently goes for over $500 (yikes) and has electrical
specs of conductivity of < 20 uS per cm and resistance of > 18 Mega ohms per cm. Their Type II goes
for around $360 for a 55 gallon drum of DI with
specs for conductivity of < 1 uS per cm and resistance of > 1 mega ohms resistance per cm. Compare the conductivity of typical drinking water in
the range of 5-50 mS/m, while sea water about 5
S/m[2] (i.e., sea water's conductivity is one million
times higher than that of deionized water).

Why Not Stick with Distilled?
Keep in mind some basic myth busting:
Distilled and Deionized water are the same.
Deionized water does not have the correct PH
content and will rot your cooling system. MYTH
Water run through a softener / drinking water filter will work on my customer 's Chevy Volt's power
electronics cooling system. MYTH
The time honored method for making water pure
is distillation:
Heat water until it boils.
Trap the steam created from the boiling process.
Pull off the condensation from the steam.
Filter the condensation.

The biggest reason to use DI water is that's what
some OEMs are mandating. (Fig. 11 & 12)
To make sure you really know what kind of water is in your premix coolant, do a little digging.
Look at the owner 's manual and the factory service
manual as well as TSBs to determine what the OEM

Courtesy AC Delco

Photos Dave Hobbs

The problem is when you distill (boil) water, the
salts don't evaporate. So when you collect the water, it has less minerals in it but it is NOT free of

Figure 11 and 12: This ACDelco DEX-COOL premix gallon jug (left) has deionized as the other half of the 50/50 mix. ACDelco further states regarding
antifreeze concentrate to: "Use clean drinking water to dilute as impurities in the water can cause a reaction to the coolant and harm the cooling system.
Deionized water is recommended." The same exact GM p/n applies to the GM dealer premix DEX-COOL. The PI (GM Preliminary Information bulletin)
mentions the Chevy Volt's requirement for DI water and NOT tap or distilled water when not using one of the DEX-COOL coolants that are premixed.

May 2017


MACS Service Reports


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017

MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAR8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - APR8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - MAY8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUN8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JUL8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - AUG8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - SEP8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - OCT8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV8
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC3
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC4
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC5
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC6
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC7
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC8