MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - NOV2

Figure 1: A/C circuit on 2003 Lincoln Navigator runs from Central Junction Box, goes through control panel (labeled Position Selector Switch Assembly), into A/C high pressure switch, and exits on RD/YE (red/yellow wire on circuit No. 441).

November 2017

the HVAC control panel ("Position Selector Switch
Assembly") and after the A/C high pressure switch
at lower right, the electrical control for the refrigeration system continues on another circuit (Figure 2).
The answer actually was pretty simple, and we suspect an experienced technician reading this will be
smirking: a thermostatic switch. Yes, that's just another term for a type of evaporator temperature sensor
(actually an on/off switch to cycle the compressor).
And in this case, it was not inserted in the evaporator,
but was on the expansion valve, along with the wiring diagram's plainly-labeled electro-mechanical ambient-low pressure switch. He jumpered the switch,
but all he actually was bypassing was that ambientlow switch, as the thermostatic switch (which actually controlled the cycling) was a solid-state sensor
with its own connector. Your service information system should have the pinpoint tests, so we won't repeat them here. The thermostatic sensor should cycle
on/off to control A/C clutch operation in the 36-38°F
range. This sensor does tend to drift over the years,
so you may find it necessary to replace it before total
failure to correct poor A/C performance. The sensor
is wired to the Powertrain Control Module, to prevent A/C ice-up. It completes the circuit to the PCM
at 36-38°F to engage the clutch when the refrigerant
temperature rises or breaks the clutch circuit when
the temperature drops. All pretty simple, if you know
it's there and what it does. ■

Figure 2: Although the next diagram page has two schematics, this is the one
that continues the refrigeration control circuit. Notice that the expansion valve
has two switches; ambient-low protection switch and a solid state "microprocessor" labeled a thermostatic switch. This is the sensor for A/C clutch cycling.


MACS Service Reports

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017

MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN1
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN2
MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - JAN3
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MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - FEB1
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MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2017 - DEC8