MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2020 - OCT4

expansion valves and also prevent system control
problems. There are also electronic shut off valves
and diverter valves that can be used in conjunction
with TXVs of all sorts. While these specialty valves,
block valves and right angle valves can do many
things to achieve a multitude of system requirements, it is important to understand what the valve
is trying to do in your system.

*	High evaporator and compressor superheat
*	 Short cycling of the low-pressure control
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Any
one of these can easily be associated with a low
refrigerant charge due to a leak in the system. It
is therefore important to first check for refrigerant
leaks and proper change level before replacing the
In addition to low refrigerant charge level, what
are the issues associated with a defective TXV
which can cause the evaporator to freeze? One common cause can be excessive moisture in the system
which can freeze at the TXV's metering orifice (ball
seat) opening. As ice forms around this small opening, refrigerant flow can be blocked. This is another
common issue which might lead the service technician to diagnose a defective TXV when it actually may be a saturated receiver drier. If the system
has a moisture indicator, this will help diagnose a
saturated drier which can lead to moisture in the
The TXV orifice can also plug and restrict refrigerant flow if dirt or foreign material is present in
the system. Can a dirty or plugged TXV be cleaned?
If the TXV is a block type, it is best to replace the
valve. If the TXV is a brass right angle type, check
to see if the valve has an inlet screen. If so, clean or
replace the screen. If there is no screen present, it is
best to replace the TXV.
Another common failure mode is power element
charge loss. Checking the basic function of the TXV
can be achieved by cooling the power element by

Troubleshooting Expansion Valves



Troubleshooting problems in a mobile air conditioning system can be a challenge. Some of the
symptoms of a defective TXV can be similar to other issues in the system. This may cause the service
technician to replace the TXVs when it is not defective. We will highlight some of the major issues
associated with troubleshooting TXVs in mobile air
conditioning systems.
Let's discuss common symptoms of a defective
*	 Visible frost on the evaporator surface or
tubing (Figure 4)
*	 Frost coming through the air vents in the
vehicle passenger compartment

Figure 5: To diagnose a problem with the TXV, use ice or a
non-CFC cooling aerosol to change the temperature of the
power element when the system is running.

Figure 4: Frost on the evaporator tubing before entering the evaporator is a sure sign that something is not working properly.

October 2020	


MACS Service Reports


MACS Monthly Newsletter - 2020

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