BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 12

Toll of Cancer
Psychosocial services offer help for people dealing with
anxiety and depression after cancer treatment


ometimes one of the most chal- to integrate back into work and friend
is patient-focused, Bates says. There
lenging parts of having cancer
circles. As part of the psychosocial
are several tools available for recovery
comes after the cancer is gone.
oncology services offered at BC Cancer,
and to help patients regain an enjoyFor some survivors, returning
Bates sees patients in a clinical setting
ment of life.
to routines after treatment is when
to address common cancer-related
Bates and the psychiatry team
they experience the most anxiety.
emotions, such as anxiety, depression
work in tandem with their colleagues
"Often a patient is fine emotionally
and grief.
in Patient and Family Counselling
through diagnosis and treatment," Dr.
Counsellors can help patients manto offer a wide range of services to
Alan Bates says. "Then they are given
age side effects of cancer and treatpatients and their loved ones at the
the all-clear and that's when they
ment, such as physical changes or
time of diagnosis, through treatment,
experience anxiety, depression or both. something known as "chemo brain,"
and post-treatment.
And it's frustrating because they feel
in which people receiving some forms
"Patients find us in different
like they should be 'normal' again."
of chemotherapy find their thinking is
ways," says Gina MacKenzie, recently
But there are many reasons someless sharp. Another common emotion
retired provincial lead for psychoone who has successfully completed
Bates deals with is fear of recurrence.
social oncology, which has 80 countreatment might have these emotions,
sellors across the province. Some
says Bates, the provincial practice
patients are referred by their doctors;
leader for psychiatry at BC Cancer.
others hear about programs through
Treatment is offered through a variety
One is what's called a "vacuum
other patients.
of approaches that may include cognieffect." If a patient has been dealing
In addition, when a patient has
tive behavioural therapy (CBT), psywith cancer for years, it can become
their first visit to a centre, they are
chotherapy, education or medication.
a part of his or her identity, and its
given a form to fill out that includes
Therapy can also include mindfulness
absence leaves a confusing void.
questions for assessment that help
meditation and exercise. All treatment
In addition, many patients develop
identify those who may need support
close relationships with
their care team and their
oncologist, and that loss
of contact can contribute
to anxiety.
When it comes to the
Dr. Alan Bates is leading a donor-funded project to establish a sustainable
people around them, surspiritual care program for BC Cancer patients. A Spiritual Care Specialist
vivors "find that life has
will establish linkages with spiritual and religious leaders as well as network
continued as normal durwith Spiritual Care services within the Provincial Health Services Authority.
ing that time," says Bates,
Educational opportunities in spiritual care will be created for all BC Cancer
noting it can be difficult
staff in order to improve the overall ability to respond to spiritual distress and


existential suffering experienced by patients.




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018

BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018
Opening Thoughts
Healthy Insights
Researcher Profile
When a young person faces cancer
Claudia Pavao’s hereditary cancer diagnosis could save her life and help her kids
Addressing the challenging psychology of cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 2
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Opening Thoughts
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Healthy Insights
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 5
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Researcher Profile
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - When a young person faces cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 8
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 9
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Claudia Pavao’s hereditary cancer diagnosis could save her life and help her kids
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 11
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - Addressing the challenging psychology of cancer
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 13
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 14
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 15
BC Cancer - Partners in Discovery - Spring 2018 - 16