i3 - May/June 2019 - 9

Q How was the Problem Solvers

loud and get most of the attention.
Caucus formed?
We used to be encouraged to find a
A Reed: In 2012, we started a biparsolution where if you got 80 percent of
tisan group, the Problem Solvers
what you want, you can move forward.
Caucus 1.0, to meet people and
Our whole job is to "get to yes" versus
develop relationships. But then we
focusing on what we disagree on. It's
realized that people were just talktough to spend 30 or 40 or 50 hours
ing the talk - not walking the walk.
in a room together trying to figure
They were not truly trying to find
compromise and come together.
out where we agree. If you don't
Then, a subgroup of us got together
trust each other and if you don't have
to work with No Labels, during the
those relationships, you can't have
presidential campaign, to formalthose conversations to get to an 80
ize this. We said, "We need to make
percent solution. Whether it is infrasure that when we commit to the
structure or the debt or prescription
caucus, it's not being used for
drugs - you name it - to take on
political talking points as a cam- Representative Josh Gottheimer
these issues, you have to actually
paign thing." Because people in the
talk to each other and put country
caucus were out throwing bombs
ahead of party. I always say, I don't work for a national
on the floor of the House at members that we were trying
political party, I work for my district, which - when we get
to develop relationships with. In 2016, Josh came in and I
couldn't think of a better partner. We formalized the cauelected, we all understand - is part of our job. And people
cus, adopted our bylaws and what we call Problem Solvers
give us grief, as you might imagine. It's not always easy.
Caucus 2.0 informally, came into existence. That is when
we made the commitments to each other.
Q Can you talk about your successes?

Whether it is
infrastructure or the
debt or prescription
drugs - you name it - to
take on these issues,
you have to actually
talk to each other and
put country ahead
of party.

Q How does it work?
A Gottheimer: Today, conversations between parties are not
encouraged - they are discouraged - and there are a lot of
outside forces in play. The extremes on both sides are very


A Reed: We found that if we work really hard, we can get

to a consensus position of 75 percent. We got to a position
on health care, immigration, school safety, infrastructure -
some very difficult policy issues. The problem is because the
institution itself, the House of Representatives, has become

What are the commitments?

A Reed: Primarily it is an invite-only
caucus, so you need to be approved
by the membership. You can't just
put it on your resume. You have to agree to the bylaw
commitments. If we get to one consensus position
where 51 percent has Democratic support or 51 percent has Republican support, with an overarching 75
percent consensus support for an issue, we will vote
the block. When you can bring a group of 44 members and get to that consensus position, that highly
influences the legislative agenda since you need
218 to pass any legislation. And you can't campaign
against a fellow member of the Problem Solvers
Caucus. We also have attendance requirements
- you have to participate. This is the only area in
Washington, D.C., where Democrats and Republicans
come together in a culture of trust and in a cone of
silence because we don't leak what we are doing.
We have formed a bond with these members that is
a mile deep now. And that is critical to withstanding
the headwinds that come down the road.

C TA . t e c h / i 3




i3 - May/June 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i3 - May/June 2019

i3 - May/June 2019 - Cover1
i3 - May/June 2019 - Cover2
i3 - May/June 2019 - Contents
i3 - May/June 2019 - 2
i3 - May/June 2019 - 3
i3 - May/June 2019 - 4
i3 - May/June 2019 - 5
i3 - May/June 2019 - 6
i3 - May/June 2019 - 7
i3 - May/June 2019 - 8
i3 - May/June 2019 - 9
i3 - May/June 2019 - 10
i3 - May/June 2019 - 11
i3 - May/June 2019 - 12
i3 - May/June 2019 - 13
i3 - May/June 2019 - 14
i3 - May/June 2019 - 15
i3 - May/June 2019 - 16
i3 - May/June 2019 - 17
i3 - May/June 2019 - 18
i3 - May/June 2019 - 19
i3 - May/June 2019 - 20
i3 - May/June 2019 - 21
i3 - May/June 2019 - 22
i3 - May/June 2019 - 23
i3 - May/June 2019 - 24
i3 - May/June 2019 - 25
i3 - May/June 2019 - 26
i3 - May/June 2019 - 27
i3 - May/June 2019 - 28
i3 - May/June 2019 - 29
i3 - May/June 2019 - 30
i3 - May/June 2019 - 31
i3 - May/June 2019 - 32
i3 - May/June 2019 - 33
i3 - May/June 2019 - 34
i3 - May/June 2019 - 35
i3 - May/June 2019 - 36
i3 - May/June 2019 - 37
i3 - May/June 2019 - 38
i3 - May/June 2019 - 39
i3 - May/June 2019 - 40
i3 - May/June 2019 - 41
i3 - May/June 2019 - 42
i3 - May/June 2019 - 43
i3 - May/June 2019 - 44
i3 - May/June 2019 - 45
i3 - May/June 2019 - 46
i3 - May/June 2019 - 47
i3 - May/June 2019 - 48
i3 - May/June 2019 - 49
i3 - May/June 2019 - 50
i3 - May/June 2019 - 51
i3 - May/June 2019 - 52
i3 - May/June 2019 - Cover3
i3 - May/June 2019 - Cover4