i3 - January/February 2020 - 77


is easy to use, difficult to forge, and
highly accurate. Additionally, there is
no ethnic or gender bias.

Eternal Creative/Getty Images

What's Next?

economically competitive. During the
event, we demonstrated how to create
a physical "zone of trust" where the consumer or user must opt in and give their
consent by creating the optimal space
and distance where it is convenient,
frictionless and secure - with privacy
at its heart.
How accurate is facial recognition
compared to iris? Between 2014 and
2018, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology's (NIST)
evaluation of 127 software algorithms
from 39 different developers found that
facial recognition software got 20 times
better at searching a database to find a
matching photograph. The team found
that just 0.2% of searches failed in 2018,
compared with a 4% failure rate in 2014
and 5% in 2010.
A key reason for concerns among citizens is the lack of federal regulations
surrounding the use of facial recognition technology. Many are worried
about how accurate the technology is
C TA . t e c h / i 3

and if there are biases and misinformation in these technologies. One issue,
for example, is the technology has been
proven in multiple studies to be inaccurate at identifying people of color, especially black women. Apple states the
following about its FaceID security: the
probability that a random person in the
population could look at your iPhone X
and unlock it using Face ID is roughly 1
in 1,000,000 (versus 1 in 50,000 for
Touch ID).
Iris technology is on an entirely
different playing field. Each iris, left
and right are unique to an individual,
even to identical twins. The iris is fully
developed at birth and does not change
over your lifetime making this a longterm solution. Eyelock's False
Acceptance Rate is 1 in 2.25 trillion
(2,250,000,000,000) for dual eye
authentication. And from the market
studies referenced earlier, iris recognition is one of the fastest-growing segments among this type of solution. It

We can expect much more discussion,
measurement and consumer feedback to
guide technology providers and lawmakers. Measurements will be handled by
private firms, NIST or even DHS.
Earlier this year, EyeLock participated
in the DHS Biometric Technology Rally,
designed to challenge the industry to
develop high-throughput biometric systems that meet the requirements of fast
and accurate user recognition within
identity verification operations, such as
security checkpoints.
The 2019 Rally invited providers of
biometric (face, iris or fingerprint)
acquisition systems, as well as providers
of biometric matching systems that
achieve defined performance targets for
high throughput use cases.
From the consumer point of view,
the 2019 Biometric Consumer
Sentiment Survey from Veridium
reveals an increased appetite for biometric authentication technology, with
70% of respondents reporting they
would like to expand the use of it into
the workplace. The main reasons?
Speed (35%), not having to remember
passwords (33%) and security (31%).
Lawmakers will have to balance these
inputs and determine when and how
biometric technology will be utilized
and regulate the use of the technology.
Jeff Carter is the CEO of EyeLock -
follow him at @EyeLock or email at


http://www.Twitter.com/EyeLock https://cta.tech/i3

i3 - January/February 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i3 - January/February 2020

i3 - January/February 2020 - Cover1
i3 - January/February 2020 - Cover2
i3 - January/February 2020 - Contents
i3 - January/February 2020 - 2
i3 - January/February 2020 - 3
i3 - January/February 2020 - 4
i3 - January/February 2020 - 5
i3 - January/February 2020 - 6
i3 - January/February 2020 - 7
i3 - January/February 2020 - 8
i3 - January/February 2020 - 9
i3 - January/February 2020 - 10
i3 - January/February 2020 - 11
i3 - January/February 2020 - 12
i3 - January/February 2020 - 13
i3 - January/February 2020 - 14
i3 - January/February 2020 - 15
i3 - January/February 2020 - 16
i3 - January/February 2020 - 17
i3 - January/February 2020 - 18
i3 - January/February 2020 - 19
i3 - January/February 2020 - 20
i3 - January/February 2020 - 21
i3 - January/February 2020 - 22
i3 - January/February 2020 - 23
i3 - January/February 2020 - 24
i3 - January/February 2020 - 25
i3 - January/February 2020 - 26
i3 - January/February 2020 - 27
i3 - January/February 2020 - 28
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i3 - January/February 2020 - 30
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i3 - January/February 2020 - Cover3
i3 - January/February 2020 - Cover4
i3 - January/February 2020 - Cover5