i3 - March/April 2020 - 25

care sector," explains Rene
Quashie, CTA's VP of policy
and regulatory affairs, digital health. Division members represent an array of
health, technology and
communications f irms,
ranging from AT&T, Best
Buy, Google, HewlettPackard, Humana and Intel,
to Johnson & Johnson,
Microsoft, Omron, Philips,
Verizon and Walgreens.
Quashie says the member
Reflecting the acceleration
companies want to prepare
of activity in the medical and
for "the increased use of
technology sectors, and mantechnology in health care,
aged by CTA's Health and Fitespecially health and welness Technology Division, the
less solutions, which have
Digital Health Summit at CES
incredible consumer inter2020 was dubbed "Launching
est." He cites the growing
the Decade of Cosmic Transimpact of the aging populaformation." Among the issues
tion, noting that by 2035 for
discussed during the two-day
program was the growing inthe first time there will be
tegration of communications
more Americans over age 65
technology and health care. For
than under 18 years old.
example, Rod Cruz, general man"That's where tech solutions
ager of Healthcare Solutions at
will ameliorate a critical
AT&T Business, focused on the
situation," Quashie says.
role of 5G technology in speedQuashie says the coning up innovation in health care.
sumer-centric health soluFINDING COMMON GROUND
tions are "clinical grade,"
McKinsey also cites the role of "disruptors" - a new breed of
Cruz cited "education and trainmeaning that the devices
specialized, tech-driven insurance payers. Vator Inc., a service
ing, remote robotic surgery,
and apps can "deliver prothat monitors startup innovators and investors, has identified
cognitive behavioral therapy,
and medical record managefessional care outside the
more than a dozen health care insurance ventures, most less
ment" as major health care secusual channels." Traditional
than eight years old and some capitalized at up to $1 billion.
tors where the fifth generation
providers are interested in
The companies like Bind, Bright Health, Clover, Collective
of wireless service will have the
these solutions because they
Health and Oscar, have developed services that encourage
biggest impact. He said health
offer cost containment
health monitoring into their insurance coverage. Some are built
care is a low-margin business
opportunities as well as
around Medicare Advantage plans, others focus on self-insured
and is not as innovative as other
quick, efficient service.
employers, while some promote alternative medicine. For
industries. But he predicts that
Humana's Willard agrees
example, Oscar maintains a network of doctors, nurses and
5G will stimulate changes in the
avalanche of health
coaches so that it can steer members toward its healthy-living
health care sector.
technology opportunities
advisories and its telemedicine resources. The goal is to minihas fueled the growing
mize doctor appointments and urgent care services. Its pharattention to digital health. He summamacy plan offers prescriptions for as little as $3.
rizes the rationale for most insurance
Bright Health is allied with "Local Care" partners, a curated network of
providers as they delve into health techdoctors, clinics and hospitals for coverage and preventative services. Clover
nology as the "ability to provide intesays its emphasis is on analysis of behavioral and other personal data to
grated health services, designed to adapt
customize preventative activities and in-home check-ups.
and evolve" as patients' needs change
CTA established a Health and Fitness Technology Division nearly six
and as innovative resources become
years ago, as member organizations moved into those businesses and
sought ideas "about health care policy and other issues unique to the health
are embedded in the devices that surround us," Deloitte's report
explains. It cites the availability of data and AI, which will
"enable precision well-being and real-time microinterventions
that allow us to get ahead of sickness and far ahead of catastrophic disease."
Medical analysts want to use technology to head off chronic
illnesses, which account for more than 80% of hospital admissions. Deloitte predicts that, "Greater emphasis on well-being
and identifying health risks earlier will result in fewer and less
severe diseases, which will reduce health care spending, allowing the reinvestment of this well-being dividend to expand the
benefits to the broad population."
Another study by McKinsey & Company found at many large
insurance companies, about half of their IT capital budgets are
aimed at technology innovations for both member satisfaction
and reduced administrative costs. "Digital leaders recognize the
advantages of being a trusted partner for patients," McKinsey
says. "Common areas of focus include guiding patients to the
right care" through use of provider-finder tools or timely tailored com¬munications.
McKinsey expects that the next wave of digital innovation in
health care will involve machine learning and analytics that
"will drive proactive member engagement, anticipate service
needs, and solve issues and communication gaps before they
even come to a member's awareness."
As for the critical issue of who owns personal health data,
McKinsey believes that patients "will own their clinical data
and allow payers and external parties to use it in ways that
promote their well-being."

C TA . t e c h / i 3

i3_0320_Feature_Health.indd 25

Digital Health
Summit at
CES 2020
Goes "Cosmic"



3/13/20 11:10 AM


i3 - March/April 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i3 - March/April 2020

i3 - March/April 2020 - Cover1
i3 - March/April 2020 - Cover2
i3 - March/April 2020 - Contents
i3 - March/April 2020 - 2
i3 - March/April 2020 - 3
i3 - March/April 2020 - 4
i3 - March/April 2020 - 5
i3 - March/April 2020 - 6
i3 - March/April 2020 - 7
i3 - March/April 2020 - 8
i3 - March/April 2020 - 9
i3 - March/April 2020 - 10
i3 - March/April 2020 - 11
i3 - March/April 2020 - 12
i3 - March/April 2020 - 13
i3 - March/April 2020 - 14
i3 - March/April 2020 - 15
i3 - March/April 2020 - 16
i3 - March/April 2020 - 17
i3 - March/April 2020 - 18
i3 - March/April 2020 - 19
i3 - March/April 2020 - 20
i3 - March/April 2020 - 21
i3 - March/April 2020 - 22
i3 - March/April 2020 - 23
i3 - March/April 2020 - 24
i3 - March/April 2020 - 25
i3 - March/April 2020 - 26
i3 - March/April 2020 - 27
i3 - March/April 2020 - 28
i3 - March/April 2020 - 29
i3 - March/April 2020 - 30
i3 - March/April 2020 - 31
i3 - March/April 2020 - 32
i3 - March/April 2020 - 33
i3 - March/April 2020 - 34
i3 - March/April 2020 - 35
i3 - March/April 2020 - 36
i3 - March/April 2020 - 37
i3 - March/April 2020 - 38
i3 - March/April 2020 - 39
i3 - March/April 2020 - 40
i3 - March/April 2020 - 41
i3 - March/April 2020 - 42
i3 - March/April 2020 - 43
i3 - March/April 2020 - 44
i3 - March/April 2020 - 45
i3 - March/April 2020 - 46
i3 - March/April 2020 - 47
i3 - March/April 2020 - 48
i3 - March/April 2020 - 49
i3 - March/April 2020 - 50
i3 - March/April 2020 - 51
i3 - March/April 2020 - 52
i3 - March/April 2020 - Cover3
i3 - March/April 2020 - Cover4