Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese - (Page 120)
Pitchfork Perfect
IrIsh country-house cookIng has been redIscovered as a model for delIcIous, seasonal cuIsIne. Ingmar kIang fInds much to celebrate 爱尔兰乡间风味得以发扬光大, 重新成为美味可口的季节佳肴。 INGMAR KIANG 发现许多值得庆贺的事情。
P h otog ra P h s by 摄影师 Peter rowen
Green T humbs From left: fresh salad greens are picked by farmer Alan Pierce at Gold River Farm; a few hours later, dressed, they accompany a caramelized onion tart, topped with goat cheese. 园艺技能 左起: 农民 Alan Pierce 在 Gold River Farm 采摘新鲜的 沙拉蔬菜;几个小时后,经 择选的蔬菜同焦糖洋葱挞一 起被淋上山羊乳奶酪。
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese