Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese - (Page 34)
Author, designer and illustrator Maira Kalman trains a lyric, quizzical eye on the world around her. Her 2007 book, “The Principles of Uncertainty,” is a visual diary that is part travelogue, part autobiography and part colorful rumination on the impermanence of life. Last year’s “And the Pursuit of Happiness” documents her yearlong quest to explore American democracy, neatly balancing historical facts with quixotic observation. As befits the author of 13 children’s books, she approaches each of her subjects with a combination of innocence and wisdom — the result, she says, of having several personalities. “For some reason, I am keenly connected to my childhood, and a sense of naiveté, while I’m also an adult with a full sense of the complicated, fraught and absurd.” This artistic duality has made her paintings and illustrations instantly recognizable and widely admired. She has produced murals for Grand Central Station, covers for The New Yorker and numerous gallery exhibitions. A frequent traveler, she is an avid sketcher, photographer and note-taker, and has kept all her notebooks since she began writing and drawing as an 18-year-old in Riverdale, N.Y. For the cover of this issue, she turned her eye on Toronto, a city she enjoys for its diversity, its architecture and a unique museum, the Bata, dedicated entirely to shoes. In choosing how to represent the life of the city, she honed in on a streetside café as an evocative symbol of Toronto’s neighborhood communities, its laid-back pace and ever-vibrant literary scene.
PERSONAL TOUCH Clockwise from top left: The artist in her studio; an homage to Ingres’ “Lady in Blue” from a series about New York’s Metropolitan Museum; a portrait of Lady Birley in her garden from “The Principles of Uncertainty.”
B y S u N N y B AT e S
ca pita l v e nt ur e
In Washington, D.C., the fall season demands a new style of diplomacy
P h oto g ra P h s by Lo r e n zo b r i n g h e L i
St y l i n g b y a n n a l e va k
T h e C h i n es e
Co s m o p o l i s
Dean Karlan’s “More Than Good Intentions” and Henry James’ “Portrait of a Lady” “Reading a book on paper focuses the attention entirely on the text with fewer temptations to allow the brain to wander.”
Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Headphones
Staedtler Liquid Point pens
Travel Apps “I haven’t yet found a travel application that helps me filter places to visit, eat or stay. I tend to connect to friends and ask them directly or hack away at an answer through a series of careful Google searches.”
Well connected
“One always in the right pocket.”
HugHes’ favo ri te apps
Spotify “A game-changing application in its simplicity.” The New York Times, The Economist and Instapaper Google Chrome “Still the fastest, if a little buggy.” Journler “An old-school app for taking simple notes; I haven’t yet migrated to Evernote.” NetNewsWire “For blog reading.”
Ashley and Karen at the United States Capitol Ashley: Blue satin gown with ruched waist by Douglas Hannant. Earrings by Kara Ross. Gold filigree clutch bag by Celestina. Karen: Beige viscose dress, vest and belt by TSE. Purple leather clutch by Kara Ross. Black leather sandal by Luca Luca.
T he pa sT is presenT From left: Shanghai’s Pudong Skyline as seen from Yuyuan Gardens; a gallery at The Museum of Contemporary Art– Shanghai.
Chris Hughes has changed the world twice. He co-founded Facebook with his Harvard friends Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskowitz. And then he introduced social media to politics, by launching My.BarackObama.com, which is widely credited with tipping the last U.S. presidential election. At the now advanced age of 28, he is traveling the world to introduce his new initiative, Jumo — “a social network connecting individuals and organizations who want to change the world.” He shares with us here the technology he won’t leave home without.
pitchfork perfect
Shanghai is pure exhilaration, a sci-fi landscape of soaring edifices, luxury commerce and breakneck progress. Nels Frye and Jeffrey Ying explore this singular fusion of East and West, new and old
P h oto g ra Ph s by a n dr ew rowat
t h e r i t z - c a r lt o n m a g a z i n e
iPhone and iPad
“The MacBook Air is the most portable and useful piece of hardware I’ve ever used. I do desperately wish that they would build an Aircard into it though so that it would have Internet on the go wherever.”
Green T humbs From left: fresh salad greens are picked by farmer Alan Pierce at Gold River Farm; a few hours later, dressed, they accompany a caramelized onion tart, topped with goat cheese.
IrIsh country-house cookIng has been redIscovered as a model for delIcIous, seasonal cuIsIne. Ingmar kIang fInds much to celebrate
t’s the start of another working day at Gold River Farm, and Mark Winterbotham checks his phone for texts. Among the messages is an order for 4 kilos of organic lettuce to be delivered the following morning. There’s plenty to be done, but instead of gathering produce from a cold store to prepare the order — as most suppliers would — he pulls on his boots and heads for the fields. The lettuce, bound for The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt, County Wicklow, is still alive and growing in the soil. Organic farming has a popular image of eccentric individuals running ramshackle businesses, but Gold River is a substantial concern, occupying 150 acres of land in the pretty-as-a-picture Wicklow hills. It’s a high-tech operation, using cameras to help guide tractors through fields of crops, and GPS technology, accurate to within an inch, to pinpoint the location of every seedling. “It’s all about efficiency, and minimizing waste,” co-owner Alan
Pierce explains. “We only harvest to order, and this is the best way to get our produce out of the ground and with the customer within 24 hours.” The use of only the best local ingredients is central to the new menus at The Ritz-Carlton and Gordon Ramsay — whose only Irish restaurant is based here — is characteristically enthusiastic. “Ireland has some of the best seafood, meat and dairy produce in the world. Every dish on our new menu is based on the freshest local produce, prepared to the highest standards,” Ramsay says. The next morning, chef de cuisine Peter Byrne takes delivery of the Gold River lettuce, breaking off a small piece to check its quality. He nibbles, and smiles in approval. He says, “You can have all the cheffy skills in the world, but they’re useless without good ingredients.” Byrne has always been passionate about food. While still at school, he landed a work-experience placement in a hotel kitchen
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t h e r i t z - c a r lt o n m a g a z i n e
SUNNY BATES (“Well Connected,” page 50) is an entrepreneur and founding board member of Kickstarter. She is also a member of the Brain Trust of the TED Conferences.
(“Capital Venture,” page 104) is a fashion photographer based in New York City. His work has been featured in magazines such as L’Uomo Vogue, Vogue Nippon and GQ.
Editor-in-Chief of LifeStyle (China) Magazine, NELS FRYE (“The Chinese Cosmopolis,” page 114) contributes to Surface Asia, Modern Weekly (China) and Madame Figaro (China).
(“Pitchfork Perfect,” page 120) is a food writer and restaurant reviewer based in Dublin, Ireland. He writes for The Sunday Times Style and Dubliner magazines.
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese
Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese
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Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese