vo l . 7 n o. 3
J u ly t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r
2 2 . Contributors 2 4 . editor’s letter 2 6 . President’s letter 3 7. on the
Globetrotting style photographer The Sartorialist discovers accidental fashion icons on the streets of four fashion hot spots.
By the sartorialist
4 0 . design Watercolors enliven every corner of the house; also, for Los Angeles-based designer Peter Dunham, fine craftsmanship is beauty’s true measure. 4 2 . shoPPing in
The shopping capital of America is loaded with one-of-a-kind treasure troves — the trick is knowing where to find them.
By deB sChwartz
new York CitY
Falling in love with … hawaii
Lush, fragrant, serene — America’s 50th state is a fantasy made real.
By Beth Collins
Cover: Illustration by Jean-Philippe Delhomme
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
CloCkwise from Top: Håkan ludwigson/snyder/redux; andrew rowaT; sCoTT sCHuman/Jed rooT, inC.; CourTesy of kaTe spade
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2011