The Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2012 - Chinese - (Page 66)
Ta iloring your aT-h o m e be auTy re g ime To su iT yo u r l ife sTag e p rolong s Th e g lo w beT w e e n s pa v is iT s. e liz a m cca rT h y qu e rie s T h e e xpe rT s
Some things, like eye color, never change — but skin is a highly inconsistent organism, with different needs at different points in the life cycle. Tailoring your daily skincare routine to your age goes a long way toward keeping the natural aging process at bay. Such knowledge used to be the exclusive province of professionals, but at-home beauty treatments have come a long way since the oatmeal scrubs and milk baths of yore, making it possible to achieve superior results from the comfort of your own boudoir. Whether you’re 16 or 60, it’s never too early—or too late — to start practicing habits that will improve your appearance and your well-being, as well as make your actual visits to the spa all the more beneficial.
Il lustratIons by 插图 jordan awan
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2012 - Chinese