vo l . 9 n o.4
O c tO b e r t h r O u g h D e c e m b e r
3 4 . Contributors
3 6 . Editor’s LEttEr
3 8 . PrEsidEnt’s LEttEr
4 0 . FALLinG in LoVE
on tHE
By RichaRd Schweid
4 8 . dEsiGn
Floral goes beyond plain pretty
in vintage tones and artful
shapes; plus, L.A. designer
Suzanne Rheinstein finds in
Greece a key to modern design.
By The SaRToRialiST
5 4 . sHoPPinG
It’s hard not to be overwhelmed
when shopping in New York City,
an island teeming with stores
featuring the best fashion and
design on Earth.
By Jamie RoSen
6 6 . bEAuty
Roses, honey and marine
botanicals inform the musthave beauty products this
6 8 . GiFts
This season’s gifts and
accessories take their cue from
traditional fall favorites — and
then offer just a little bit more.
7 4 . JEWELry
The three top trends for fall,
from cameos to bird motifs; also,
the latest news, including the
return of the monogram and the
new collection from Sabine G.
Cover: Illustration by
Chris Silas Neal
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
CloCkwise from top: sCott sChuman/Jed root inC; rebeCCa Greenfield; Courtesy of lalique; andrew rowat
Accidental fashion
icons on the streets
of the world’s fashion
hot spots
WitH ... bArCELonA
A city to wander through, to
marvel at, to feast in, Barcelona
is a home that no one can leave.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2013