vo l . 9 n o. 2
April through June
2 6 . Contributors
2 8 . Editor’s LEttEr
on tHE
3 2 . FALLinG in LoVE
WitH ... Los AnGELEs
From its freeways to food
trucks to flowering kitsch, L.A.
is a connoisseur’s delight.
By The SarToriaLiST
By Tim Long
4 0 . dEsiGn
The French resort of Deauville
inspires a trend for soft pastels
and seaside stripes; also,
designer Jan Showers puts a
global spin on American style
by marrying modernity and
4 2 . tECHnoLoGy
Autodesk CEO Carl Bass has
a travel schedule typical for
the head of a multinational
corporation. His secret for
staying sane: Keep a bag that is
always packed and ready to go.
4 8 . sHoPPinG
Effortlessly merging beachy ease
and electric ambition, Miami
and environs have long been a
source of signal stateside style.
By Suzy BuckLey WoodWard
5 6 . JEWELry
Black and white plus a pop of
color is a recipe for eye-catching
chic; also, rock crystal and sliced
stones make a big statement.
Cover: Illustration by
Chris Silas Neal
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
CloCkwise from left: sCott sChuman/Jed root inC.; thinkstoCk; Courtesy of link outdoor; kwaku alston
Discover accidental
fashion icons on the
streets of the world’s
fashion hot spots.
3 0 . PrEsidEnt’s LEttEr
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Spring 2013