Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2013 - Chinese - (Page 26)

CONTRIBUTORS A NOVEL APPROACH From left: The author; her latest thriller, “If You Were Here.” 小说即将上市 从左侧起: 作者; 她的最新惊悚小说 《 If You Were Here 》 。 EN PLEIN AIR SHOPPING PHOTOGRAPHS BY AMANDA FRIEDMAN THE CITY OF ANGELS IS A SHOPPING CONNOISSEUR’S DREAM. ELISE LOEHNEN SHINES A SPOTLIGHT ON WEST COAST STYLE The encapsulation of Hollywood style: eclectic, fast-paced and unexpected. 1. 2. MA XFIELD 8 8 2 5 M E L RO S E AV E . 3 1 0 - 2 74 - 8 8 0 0 M A XFIEL DL A .COM Located in an iconic concrete cube, this is one of the rare retail emporiums that makes people’s bucket lists. It offers goods that are avant-garde, subtly macabre, and heavy on the wallet. 坐落在标志性的混凝土立方建筑中, 这里 是最使人难以错过的精品零售商场之一。 在这里您能找到各色先锋派风格、 融合了 令人不易察觉的死亡主题、 并且价格昂贵 的商品。 STYLING BY 造 型 师 MARINA MUÑOZ COOKING UP A POT OF GOLD CULINARY SUPERSTAR JOSÉ ANDRÉS TAKES ON PUERTO RICO. LAUREN SANDLER DECLARES A WINNER 美食烹饪带来滚滚财源 3. CURVE 1 5 4 N . R O B E R T S O N B LV D . 310-360-8008 SHOPCURV E.COM 烹饪巨星何塞 安德烈斯在波多黎各展现精湛厨艺。 · 劳伦 桑德勒宣布何塞 安德烈斯为获胜者 · · Though it’s been here for more than a decade, this boutique has lost none of its edge. If a young designer is making waves, you’ll likely find her pieces here. 商场从开业至今已经超过十年, 但这里奢侈 品独具一格的时尚品味却从未改变。 如果某 位年轻艺术家正在崭露头角, 您很可能会在 这里发现她的作品。 PHOTOGRAPHS BY 摄 影 师 JUSTIN LANE 3 WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS W W W. R I T Z C A R LT O N . C O M 104 MARINE CORPS “Que pasa? Bueno?” José Andrés strides into his kitchen at Mi Casa at Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, hugging and high-fiving everyone in the kitchen. This kitchen is as bilingual as the chef is, and it’s fitting that he flows in and out of languages like he cooks — an American chef, he calls himself, though a Spanish one who got his start in Ferran Adrià’s famed elBulli outside Barcelona, now overseeing the burners in Puerto Rico. On his way, he’s picked up every major award for a chef in the U.S., not bad for someone who started off his stateside tenure with 50 bucks in his pocket and a roll of chef knives. “怎么啦? 好吗? ” 何塞 安德列斯大步走进丽思卡尔顿精品度假酒 · 店米卡莎餐厅的厨房, 与里面的所有人拥抱并击 掌 该丽思卡尔顿酒店位于美丽的波多黎各多拉 , 多海滩。 厨房里的工作人员和主厨都精通双语 From left: Chef Andrés in the kitchen; his take on the national dish, asopao; the oceanfront at Dorado Beach. 海军陆战队 从左侧起: 主厨安德列斯在 厨房里; 他呈上的波多黎各 传统菜 asopao; 多拉多海 滩的海滨地带。 交流, 因此, 他在这里讲两种语言就像他在这里 烹饪食物一样游刃有余 虽然他是西班牙人, – 但 是他将自己视作一名美国主厨 他曾在巴塞罗那 , 城外由费伦 阿德利亚创办的知名斗牛犬餐厅开 · 始其厨师职业生涯, 不过他目前在波多黎各展现 他的精湛厨艺。 在多年的厨师生涯中 何塞 安德 , · Swimming suit by Tommy Hilfiger. 列斯在美国获得了为厨师设立的所有大奖, 这对 汤米 希尔费格泳衣。 · 于凭借 50 美元和一套厨师刀具在美国开启厨师 之路的他来说是一件挺不错的事情。 W W W. R I T Z C A R LT O N . C O M T H E R I T Z - C A R LT O N M A G A Z I N E 105 94 W W W. R I T Z C A R LT O N . C O M T H E R I T Z - C A R LT O N M A G A Z I N E 95 L.A.-based photographer JUSTIN LANE (“Cooking EMILY NATHAN AMANDA FRIEDMAN Up a Pot of Gold,” page 104) is the New York bureau chief for the European Pressphoto Agency, and in 2001 he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his contribution to The New York Times’ coverage of 9/11. (“En Plein Air,” page 94) descended upon The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation for this issue’s fashion feature. She has shot for Condé Nast Traveler, Departures and Gourmet. (“Shopping Los Angeles,” page 48) documents her city and others for such publications as Travel + Leisure, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the (London) Sunday Telegraph. 洛杉矶摄影师阿曼达 弗里 · 德曼《在洛杉矶购物》第 ( , 48 页) 拍摄与她的城市及 其他有关的照片 这些照片 , 发行在 《旅行 + 休闲》 纽 《 、 约时报》 华尔街日报》 《 、 和 (伦敦)星期日电讯报》 《 等 刊物上。 26 I’ve only been in New Orleans as a tourist once — in 1998, for a wedding. My most vivid memory from that trip is of a brisk, dark drive along a river road, whizzing past railroad tracks and the Mississippi River levee. Eventually, a well-lighted 150-year-old shotgun house loomed: Mat & Naddie’s restaurant, where I encountered the city’s penchant for savory cheesecakes and the cozy restaurant-in-a-house design model of some superb Uptown eateries — Brigtsen’s, Dick & Jenny’s and Bistro Daisy among them. It’s a subtler memory than the others I’ve carried from that trip — the warm Brie and sugary pecans at the reception; the grab-and-go daiquiris in the French Quarter; the brass band soundtrack that seemed to follow us everywhere; the heavy heat; the stiff juleps. I realize that this list reads like your typical guidebook’s description of Big Easy highlights, but even now as a seasoned local, I still get warmhearted at the prospect of experiencing any of the above. That’s because some of the city’s most obvious charms can also be the best portals for accessing its contagious, cautiously reckless joie de vivre. I was living in Jackson, Wyo., at the time, but I knew after that whirlwind weekend that I wanted to know this place more thoroughly. It was pure luck that my then-boyfriend, now-husband moved to New Orleans for medical school the following year and invited me to join him. I once told my mom that I had chosen Matt as a mate because life with him would never be boring. I had a similar intuition about New Orleans. It’s through discovering and rediscovering the city’s signature attractions — jazz, P H O T O G R A P H S BY 摄 影 师 E M I LY N AT H A N LES POMMET TES 1 5 8 N . R O B E R T S O N B LV D . 3 10 -289 -9202 L E SPOM ME T T E S.COM The prevailing theory at this jewel box-sized shop is that everything looks better with ornamentation. The picks are stunningly feminine, without ever looking precious. 在这座外表看似珠宝盒形状的商场中最盛 行的主题便是用装饰品为一切锦上添花。 除了炫目奢华的外观, 这里的精品无不令人 惊叹地拥有着优雅动人的女性特质。 1 THE CRESCENT CITY’S CHARMS ARE IRRESISTIBLE — AND EVERYWHERE. SARA ROAHEN EXPLORES 夏季的一天, 在清澈的湖水中度过美妙的周末休息时 光: 夏季的休闲时尚服饰营造出一幅运动生活的画面。 拍摄地点: 乔治亚州雷诺兹种植园。 罗伯逊/THIRD 好莱坞风格的包装: 折衷主义 快节奏伴 、 随无可预见。 2 NEW ORLEANS 新奥尔良 在户外 1. R O B E R T S O N / THIRD 天使之城是购物行家们的梦想天堂。 ELISE LOEHNEN 让西海岸时尚成为聚光灯的焦点 48 FA L L I N G I N L O V E W I T H … A summer’s day, a pristine lake, a weekend break: Summer’s casual fashion pieces create a portrait of the sporting life. Shot on location at Reynolds Plantation, Georgia. LOS ANGELES 洛杉矶 贾斯汀 莱恩 · ( 《通过烹饪获取财源》 , 第 104 页) 的作者是欧洲新 闻图片社纽约分社的总编 辑。 2011 年, 他凭借在 《纽约 时报》 上发表的关于 9.11 的 报道荣获普利策奖。 艾米丽 南森 · ( 《在户外》第 94 页) , 的作 者和一组工作人员突然到 访雷诺兹种植园丽思卡尔 顿酒店, 为本期杂志拍摄时 尚特辑。 她一直为 《康德纳 斯旅行者》 出发》 《美 、 《 和 食家》 拍摄照片。 32 W W W. R I T Z C A R LT O N . C O M “新月城” 难以抗 拒的魅力无处不 在SARA ROAHEN 带您一同领略 我只在 1998 年作为游客去过新奥尔良一次, 那次 去是为了参加一场婚礼。 对于这次旅行, 使我记忆 犹新的一次愉快的经历是在夜色中沿着河岸公路开 车兜风, 我驾驶着轿车掠过长长的铁轨, 在密西西 比河的堤岸一路飞驰。 最终, 视野中隐约映现出一 座灯火通明、 愈有 150 年历史的盒式房屋: Mat 在 & Naddie’s 餐厅, 我领略了这座城市对美味的奶酪 蛋糕的热爱, 而一些住宅区里精美的小餐馆则被设 计成了舒适的家庭式餐厅, 使人流连忘返–其中便 有 Brigtsen’s、 Dick & Jenny’s 和 Bistro Daisy。 对于这次旅行最让我感到微妙的回忆是接待处 奉上的温热的布里干酪和糖核桃; 法国街区即取即 走的代基里鸡尾酒; 与我们如影随形的管乐队演 奏; 酷热的天气; 还有烈性的冰镇薄荷酒。 您也许 会认为这份清单与您经常在介绍 “快活之都” 热门 景点的旅行指南中看到的没有什么不同, 但即使现 在我对新奥尔良早已轻车熟路, 但仍会为这些充满 情趣的街头特色感到亲切不已。 这便是因为这座城 市最使人难以抗拒的魅力所在源于它那具有感染力 的、 谨慎而又随意的生活趣味。 我当时还居住在怀俄明州的杰克逊, 但自从经历 了这个旋风般激情四溢的周末之后, 我意识到我想 要更透彻地了解这座城市。 幸运的是, 我当时的男朋 友、 现在的丈夫决定在第二年搬到新奥尔良就读这 里的医学院, 而我被邀请与他同行。 我曾告诉过我的母亲, 我之所以选择 Matt 作为 伴侣, 是因为与他在一起的生活从来不会让我觉 得无聊。 对于新奥尔良我有同样的直觉。 在探索和 重新探索这座城市最迷人的特色中–爵士乐、 小龙 虾、 狂欢节–我们之间的爱变得越来越炽热。 当我 感到我们的关系有些沉闷的时候, 我便会拿出我的 汤勺, 尽情享用一份秋葵汤。 或者, 我会跳上圣查尔 EMILY DELAMATER The author of “The Swing Shift” (page 74), novelist and law professor Alafair Burke first became interested in golf as a deputy district attorney at the Portland D.A.’s office in the mid-’90s. “Everyone in the office golfed,” she says, “so it was a way for me to be part of the boys’ club. One year I went to the D.A.’s annual golf outing, and I was the only woman who played. So I won best women’s golf score and worst women’s golf score — in the same day.” The daughter of legendary crime novelist James Lee Burke, Burke teaches criminal law and procedure at Hofstra Law School in New York and is the author of nine suspense novels of which her latest, “If You Were Here,” is something of a departure — a stand-alone thriller that features protagonists based on Burke and her husband, Sean. “It sounds silly,” Burke says, “but I just thought we’d make interesting characters.” One big difference between the characters and their real-life models? “They don’t play golf,” Burke says with a laugh. COURTESY OF ALAFAIR BURKE ALAFAIR BURKE T HE BE AT GOES ON Musicians outside Cafe Beignet on Royal Street in the French Quarter. 音乐不断 法国街区内皇家街上 Cafe Beignet 外的音乐家。 T H E R I T Z - C A R LT O N M A G A Z I N E 33 SARA ROAHEN (“Falling in Love with … New Orleans,” page 32) became a New Orleans convert after moving there with her husband in 1999. She is the author of “Gumbo Tales: Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table.” 萨拉 罗恩 · 在 1999 年与其丈夫搬到 新奥尔良后, ( 《爱上新奥尔 良》第 32 页) , 她便成为一 名新奥尔良信仰者。 她著 有 《Gumbo Tales:Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table》 一书。 W W W. R I T Z C A R LT O N . C O M FdcRCSU13_026-027_Contribs.indd 26 6/11/13 12:29 PM http://WWW.RITZCARLTON.COM http://WWW.RITZCARLTON.COM http://WWW.RITZCARLTON.COM http://WWW.RITZCARLTON.COM http://WWW.RITZCARLTON.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2013 - Chinese

Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2013 - Chinese
Editor’s Letter
President’s Letter
Falling in Love With … New Orleans
On the Boulevards
Local Knowledge
Let Us Stay With You

Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2013 - Chinese
