Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2013 - Chinese - (Page 18)
vo l . 9 n o.1
ja n ua ry t h roug h m a rc h 一月至三月
2 6 . Contributors
➺ on tHE bouLEVArds
Discover accidental fashion icons on the streets of the globe’s fashion hot spots.
2 8 . Editor’s LEttEr 3 0 . PrEsidEnt’s LEttEr
3 2 . FALLinG in LoVE
WitH ... bEiJinG
From the Forbidden City to bewilderingly beautiful markets, behold the riches of the Chinese capital.
The SarTorialiST
By SuSan Conley
4 0 . dEsiGn In city and country, brass and copper add luster to every style of decor; L.A. decorator Paul Fortune combines Old World classicism with the timeless chic of Hollywood.
4 2 . tECHnoLoGy Architect Alfredo Brillembourg spends half the year in transit, armed with an arsenal of high(and low-) tech essentials.
Cover: Illustration by Chris Silas Neal
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
CloCkwise from left: sCott sChuman/Jed root, inC; Courtesy of Jayson home (bowl); Courtesy of tai Ping CarPets; andrew rowat; darren soh
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2013 - Chinese