Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2013 - Chinese - (Page 40)
ZIg ZAg Truism I from the Epoch Collection; wool and silk
price upon requeSt taipingcarpetS.com
LIgHT ROCk Pagani Studio Esterel chandelier;satin bronze and rock crystal
price upon requeSt paganiStudio.com
Brass tracks
REAL SIMPLE Rodon 12 wall clock by Nomon; walnut and polished brass
$ 895 mondocollection.com
In cIty and In country, brass and copper add luster to every style of decor
MIRROR MIRROR Cavallo mirror; hand-beaten and forged iron with plain mirror plate
NATURAL PATH Brass Tyrol Horn bowl; natural horn with brass rim
$ 28 JaYSonhome.com
from $ 4,000 Soane.com
INDUSTRIAL CHIC Bevolo Warehouse District light; copper
StartS at $ 425 bevolo.com
$ 350–$ 550 ralphlauren.com
$1,315 kalmarlighting.com
TIP TOP Menlo end table by Ferguson Copeland; walnut veneer with brass details Ferguson Copeland 的 Menlo
price upon requeSt ferguSoncopeland.com
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
thinkstock (wood behind clock)
MODEST MODERN Hase table lamp by J.T. Kalmar; polished brass and leather Kalmar 的 Hase
gLASS TOwERS Ralph Lauren modern hurricane lamps; brass and glass
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2013 - Chinese