Ritz-Carlton Passport - Winter 2012 - (Page 4)

STORiES THaT STaY WiTH YOu For a family visiting New York City to attend the NFL draft, The Ritz-Carlton New York, Battery Park was more than just a trusted place to stay. After checking into the hotel in the evening, the family went to the convention center, where attendees were already lined up for the next morning’s event. Facing a long, cold night outside, the father rang The Ritz-Carlton at 1 a.m. and asked Chris, the night manager, if he might send five blankets to keep them warm. Though it seemed like a long shot, it wasn’t long before the doorman, Ronnie, emerged from a taxi with the blankets, and five cups of steaming hot chocolate as well. “Turns out,” the father marveled, “that the best night i ever had at The Ritz-Carlton was spent on the sidewalk.” 1 New Destinations 2 Explore Our Luxury Destinations Worldwide Destination: Kuala Lumpur The RiTz-CaRlTon RewaRds® The Ritz-Carlton specializes in pairing ideal venues with impeccable service. Now, meeting professionals are rewarded when booking multiple events. When Ritz-Carlton Rewards® members host their next meeting or special event occasion at The Ritz-Carlton, they will receive up to 50,000 Rewards points for their first event and 150,000 Rewards points for every meeting thereafter.* 3 ➺ REaD mORE at ritzcarlton.com/shareyourstory Culinary Spotlight: Chef Rainer Zinngrebe New Year’s in Hong Kong ➺ REgistER at ritzcarlton.com/meetings The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was recently named “Best Luxury Hotel Chain” in the ninth annual Travel Weekly Readers’ Choice awards. The awards recognize companies of distinction across 59 categories in the travel industry, honoring only the finest organizations. 4➺  Stories That Stay With You *REWARDS MEMBERS WHO REGiSTER FOR THiS PROMOTiON WiLL EARN TRiPLE REWARDS POiNTS uP TO 150,000 TOTAL POiNTS (50,000 BASE + 100,000 BONuS) ON quALiFYiNG CHARGES PER MEETiNG OR EVENT, BEGiNNiNG WiTH THE SECOND EVENT. TO BE ELiGiBLE FOR TRiPLE POiNTS, quALiFYiNG EVENTS OR MEETiNGS MuST BE CONTRACTED BEFORE MARCH 31, 2012, AND HELD BEFORE DEC. 31, 2012. PROMOTiON REGiSTRATiON iS REquiRED TO BE ELiGiBLE FOR BONuS POiNT OFFER. REGiSTRATiON MuST OCCuR PRiOR TO MARCH 31, 2012. RECEiVE 3 RiTz-CARLTON REWARDS POiNTS PER u.S. DOLLAR SPENT ON YOuR FiRST EVENT FOR A MAxiMuM OF 50,000 REWARDS POiNTS, AND 9 POiNTS PER DOLLAR ON EVERY SuBSEquENT EVENT FOR A MAxiMuM OF 150,000 REWARDS POiNTS. The Ritz-Carlton Rewards® W W W. r i t z c a r l t o n . c o m http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/LetUsStay/Default.htm?f=GuestStories http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/Rewards/AboutRewards/NewsandOffers.htm http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/LetUsStay/Default.htm?f=GuestStories http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/Rewards/Promotions/RewardingEvents.htm http://www.ritzcarlton.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Passport - Winter 2012

Ritz-Carlton Passport - Winter 2012
New Destinations
Explore Our Luxury Destinations Worldwide
Destination: Kuala Lumpur
Culinary Spotlight: Chef Rainer Zinngrebe
New Year’s in Hong Kong
The Ritz-Carlton Rewards®
Stories That Stay With You

Ritz-Carlton Passport - Winter 2012
