Vim & Vigor - Spring 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 2)

Phil’s Feature Open Heart: It’s About Time GwInneTT MedIcAl cenTer President and chief executive Officer Philip R. Wolfe Gwinnett Health System Board of directors Jock Connell; Jayaprakash Desai, M.D.; Willard C. Hearin, M.D.; Carolyn Hill; Chung H. Lee; Tom Martin; Miles H. Mason III, M.D.; David McCleskey, Chairman; Edward Radford, Ph.D.; Manfred Sandler, M.D., Vice Chairman; Wayne Sikes; Kathryn P. Willis G Thanks for entrusting us to care for you and your family Vim & Vigor Managing editor Aaron McKevitt Vim & Vigor Assistant Managing editor Lisa L. Stauffer winnett has held many unique distinctions over the years. Several of these bring great pride, like the fact that our award-winning school system is the largest in the state and among the most prolific in the country. One unenviable distinction, however, is the fact that for a substantial time we have been the largest county in the nation without open heart services. A few weeks ago, that distinction was proudly lifted. When the news came that we had officially been granted permission by the state to build our new Strickland Heart Center at GMC–Lawrenceville, jubilation burst out from all corners of our community. Everywhere I went, people stopped me to say how proud they were, but the most common sentiment you expressed to me was this: “It’s about time.” We couldn’t agree more. When it comes to the heart, it’s all about time. For one, it’s about the years our cardiologists and staff have dedicated to keeping hearts beating on time and in rhythm—both in training and in practice. Although our state-of-the-art facility and equipment are brand new, our staff is not. We have hand-chosen these cardiovascular experts from across the nation to form what we believe is one of the strongest cardiac teams in the state. Second, it’s about the time you shouldn’t be stuck in traffic going to Atlanta for emergency cases. The less time it takes to restore blood flow after a heart attack, the more heart muscle you save. That’s why easy access to our facility, conveniently located in your community, is essential to your recovery. Most importantly, though, it’s about the moments your family and friends would miss spending with you if you didn’t have a world-class heart facility close to home. These moments matter to you, so they matter to us. That’s why we’re moments, rather than miles, away. That’s why we’ve designed our entire system to expedite care and return blood flow as quickly as possible. And that’s why we’ve brought together some of the area’s most respected physicians, nurses and staff. Our responsibility is to ensure that a cardiac episode never stops you from creating and enjoying more of the moments that matter—and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously. We thank you for entrusting us with that task. editorial Board Keith Fender Kelli Massey Amy Motteram Keyonda Noel Beth Okun Dolores Ware PrOducTIOn V.P./Strategic Content: Beth Tomkiw Editor-in-Chief: Shelley Flannery Editors: Erin Feeney, Sam Mittelsteadt, Matt Morgan, Ellen Olson, Tom Weede Copy Editor: C.J. Hutchinson Managing Art Director: Adele Mulford Art Directors: Kevin Goodbar, Rod Karmenzind, Monya Mollohan, Kay Morrow, Tami Rodgers Senior Production Manager: Laura Marlowe Ancillary Production Manager: Casey Jones Imaging Specialist: Dane Nordine Production Technology Specialists: Julie Chan, Sonia Washington V.P./Business Intelligence Group: Patrick Kehoe Postal Affairs & Logistics Director: Joseph Abeyta V.P./Sales & Product Development: Chad Rose, 888-626-8779 V.P./Client Services & Strategy: Andrea Parsons Account Managers: Carey Ballard, Barbara Mohr, Paul Peterson AdMInISTrATIOn Vim & Vigor Founder: J. Barry Johnson Chairman: Preston V. McMurry Jr. President/Chief Executive Officer: Christopher McMurry Chief Financial Officer: Clarke Rea President/Content Marketing: Fred Petrovsky Gwinnett Medical Center 678-312-1000 1000 Medical Center Blvd., Lawrenceville, GA 30046 If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please tear off the shipping label and mail it to Remove Me, P.O. Box 17910, Phoenix, AZ 85011 or go to Vim & Vigor,TM Spring 2012, Volume 28, Number 1, is published quarterly by McMurry, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014, 602-395-5850. Vim & VigorTM is published for the purpose of disseminating health-related information for the well-being of the general public and its subscribers. The information contained in Vim & VigorTM is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. Vim & VigorTM does not accept advertising promoting the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. Copyright © 2012 by McMurry. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S.: $4 for one year (4 issues). Single copies: $2.95. For subscriptions and address changes, write: Circulation Manager, Vim & Vigor,TM McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014. Philip R. Wolfe, FACHE President and CEO 2 Vim & Vigor • SP R I N G 2 012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
The Philanthropist Next Door
Special Delivery
Get Real
How Far We’ve Come
Patient Survival Guide
Perfect Attendance
A New Day
Lean on Me
Intimidated by the Gym?
What Is Your Volunteer Style?
A Prescription for Relief
PrimeTime Health
Reclaiming Form and Function
Nice Follow-Through
Out of the White Coat
SPECIAL: Transforming Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center