Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - University of Virginia - (Page 2)

LIFE IN BALANCE Mammograms They're not all the same C A FAMILY HEALTH MAGAZINE FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA HEALTH SYSTEM To update your address, send Vim & Vigor to a friend or access the magazine online, go to or call 888-882-9892. Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, hange is good. With this issue, we are introducing a new format to the Life in Balance column. We'll still be bringing you research-backed advice that's all about promoting good health. But now, I'll be introducing a UVA colleague who has a special interest in women's health and some excellent advice to share. Meet Carrie Rochman, MD. University of Virginia Medical Center R. Edward Howell Marketing Director Chris Sullivan Regional Editor Kelly Casey Regional Art Director Diane Butler PRODUCTION Editorial Editor-in-Chief: Sally Kilbridge Editors: Erin Feeney, Matt Morgan, Ellen Olson, Tom Weede Copy Editor: C.J. Hutchinson Design CARRIE ROCHMAN, MD I'm one of four UVA radiologists who focus solely on breast imaging. Chief Art Director: Pamela Norman Art Directors: Andrea Heser, Rod Karmenzind, Kay Morrow Production Senior Production Manager: Laura Marlowe Special Projects Coordinator: Jenny Babich Imaging Specialist: Dane Nordine I want to remind you how important it is to have a yearly mammogram, starting at age 40 for most women. Mammograms are proven to save lives by catching breast cancer at an earlier, treatable stage. Did you know that not all mammograms are the same? At UVA, women have access to the most advanced breast screening tools, including tomosynthesis. More commonly known as 3-D mammography, this is an excellent tool for women who have dense breast tissue. You'll only find 3-D mammography in the Charlottesville region at UVA. We also offer breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This is an effective tool if you are at higher risk for breast cancer because of a family history of the disease. It's the most sensitive test for finding breast cancer and detects more cancer than mammography alone. Learn more about UVA's breast imaging services and even watch me in a short video at It's important to remember that most abnormal mammograms or lumps aren't cancerous. But if something is found, you'll have access to treatment options, clinical trials and support services designed just for you. Our dedicated breast surgeons will see you within days of your diagnosis. Thanks, Dr. Rochman. As you enjoy this issue of Vim & Vigor, be sure to turn to page 4. Lee Mullen's story about her battle with breast cancer is a good reminder to all of us on why we should never skip our monthly breast self-exam. Yours in health, Susan Kirk, MD University of Virginia Health System 2 WINTE R 2 013 Production Technology Specialists: Julie Chan, Sonia Fitzgerald Circulation VP/Business Intelligence Group: Patrick Kehoe Postal Affairs & Logistics Director: Joseph Abeyta CLIENT SERVICES Chief Client Officer: Beth Tomkiw VP/Client Services & Strategy: Paul Peterson Account Managers: Carey Ballard, Lauren Keeton, Gerry Kubek, Kirsten Markson, Barbara Mohr, Ryan Smeets ADMINISTRATION Vim & Vigor Founder: J. Barry Johnson Chairman Emeritus: Preston V. McMurry Jr. Chief Executive Officer: Matthew J. Petersen Chief Operating Officer: Fred Petrovsky Executive VP/Sales: Chad Rose, 888-626-8779 VP/Content: Jeff Ficker Creative Director: Marc Oxborrow PO Box 800224 Charlottesville, VA 22908 Vim & Vigor,TM Winter 2013, Volume 29, Number 4, is published quarterly by McMurry/TMG, LLC, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-395-5850. Vim & VigorTM is published for the purpose of disseminating health-related information for the well-being of the general public and its subscribers. The information contained in Vim & VigorTM is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. Vim & VigorTM does not accept advertising promoting the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. Copyright © 2013 by McMurry/TMG, LLC. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S.: $4 for one year (4 issues). Single copies: $2.95. For subscriptions and address changes, write: Circulation Manager, Vim & Vigor,TM 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85014.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - University of Virginia

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - University of Virginia
Life in Balance
Is a Low-Salt Diet Good for Everyone?
Have You Done Your Monthly Breast Self-Exam Lately?
Waiting for a Heart
Got Excuses?
Managing Your Health with a DIY Tool Kit
Is It the Stress Talking?
The Wonderful World of Greens
Knee-to-Know Basics
On the Cover
Run for Your Life
14 Good-for-You Gifts
Special Delivery
Virtual Health
A Childhood Interrupted by Cancer
Cupcake Wars

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - University of Virginia