MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015 - (Page Cover1)

ESC CONGRESS 2015 IN REVIEW PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS CARDIOLOGY OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM a product of IN THIS ISSUE What Will Change the Future of Cardiology? This publication is supported by SERVIER in the form of an unrestricted educational grant. Leading experts in cardiology shared their visions for the future of cardiovascular disease management. Sophisticated imaging techniques, interventional technologies, and medical therapies are transforming the identification and treatment of arrhythmias, valvular diseases, and coronary artery disease. At the same time a shift from a focus on treating disease to health promotion and disease prevention promises to reduce avoidable deaths from heart disease. See page 9. ALSO Diagnosis and Treatment of AF Clinical Trial Highlights The Future of TAVI

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015


MD Conference Express - ESC Congress 2015