AHEPA PAC Completes First Election Cycle
The American Hellenic Educational Progressive
Association (AHEPA) created the American Hellenic
Educational Progressive Association Political Action
Committee (AHEPA PAC) in 2010 to enhance its leadership on behalf of the American Hellenic community
by helping to elect members of Congress—on both
sides of the aisle—who appreciate a strong American
Hellenic community and the mission of AHEPA. By
creating the PAC, AHEPA can enlist support from its membership to better educate federal policymakers
about the importance of the Greek American community while working toward its mission of promoting
Hellenic ideals within the United States.
The goals of AHEPA PAC are:
• To position AHEPA as a leading voice in the community;
• To support members of Congress and candidates who appreciate a strong American Hellenic
community and the mission of AHEPA; and
• To educate and mobilize the membership of AHEPA to play a more active role in the political process.
Who Can Participate in AHEPA PAC?
AHEPA PAC is only allowed to solicit members of AHEPA and their families for contributions, according to
federal law. Any contributions from individuals outside of those eligible to contribute will be returned after
Comerica Bank, of Detroit, manages the recordkeeping and reporting services of AHEPA PAC.
We sincerely thank Ahepans who contributed to AHEPA PAC in the last election cycle. Thanks to your
investment, AHEPA PAC made a difference. With your continued commitment in the 2013-14 election cycle,
and the infusion of contributions from new Ahepans, AHEPA PAC will continue to grow and champion those
policymakers who champion AHEPA ideals and values.
If you would like to learn more about AHEPA PAC, and the participation guidelines, please contact
The above information is provided for information purposes only.
Spring 2013 · The AhepAn
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The AHEPAN - Spring 2013