Material Handling Powderpeg Rack Cart Made for Powderpeg Rack . The cart can be used for storage or preloading . 6" spacing between the holes lets the cart to hold up to 9 racks at one time . The dimple hole design allows for easy insertion, while holding the racks securely preventing movement while transporting . Large wheel diameters make the cart more ergonomic . The openended front allows for easy access to the rear of the cart . Part Number PPGRC-1 Description Powderpeg Rack Cart Hook Storage / Stripping Cart Integrated hook storage and burn-off cart . The A-Frame design is compact, but versatile and holds a variety of hook sizes efficiently and ergonomically without tangling . The top frame lifts off the base and can be placed on the burnoff oven trolley or set directly inside the oven . Hooks are handled only twice, during loading and unloading from the line, saving significant and valuable labor hours by eliminated unnecessary handling and sorting . Heavy-duty welded construction provides years of constant usage . Standard cart designs are available but can be easily and cost effectively customized for your specific requirements . Cart is available with a removable or fixed base . Contact a Mighty Hook engineer for options . Part Number HHR-4852-AV 25 Description Hook Storage / Stripping Cart phone 773-378-1909 * fax 773-378-2083