Accessories Sample Kit To help you arrive at the best design for your product mix, we have put together a sample kit with components from some of our most popular systems . We are very flexible as to the kit contents and you are free to substitute or add additional items . Our goal is for you to have a system suited to your needs . The Mighty Assortment Kit SAMPLE KIT- Includes: The POWDERPEG PACKAGE: 1 3-Piece Powder Peg Frame PPG25W-30L-2 1 PPG-TOP - 5"L Perpendicular, C-Top Hardware for the Rack and top assembly . plus the following: CROSSBARS 1 Z-BARHV-PP25 1 Z-BAR-PP25LT 1 PPX-BAR 25-8HV 1 PPX-BAR 25-12 1 TSR-BAR-PP-25 1 X-BAR-D-25-8 Part Number Sample Kit Description Mighty Assortment Z-Hooks 40+ hooks in a variety of sizes and lengths for both light and heavy Z-BAR . Standard Hooks 50+ hooks in a variety of shapes, sizes and lengths made of both round and square . Jam Hooks An assortment of jam hooks . 65 phone 773-378-1909 * fax 773-378-2083