One + August 2010 - (Page 12)

IMPRESSIONS Green or Greenwashing? [Re: “Green Hotels Win,” PlusPoint blog] If hotels really want to commit to being green, they need to start building LEED certified properties. In most cases, hotels are just playing at being green by recycling or by giving you the option to not have your towels washed daily—things they should have been doing all along. I see no real significant change in the way the majority of major hotels are doing business. Our industry’s efforts at being green are minimal at best and are often used as cynical marketing ploys. I hope this will change. —Jon Wollenhaupt Excel Meetings & Events Understanding Green [Re: “Decoding Sustainability Standards,” July 2010] I presented my green meetings legal talk in Vancouver, and have wrestled with the various new standards. Your article was a great help and summarized many of the issues I find difficult—particularly providing advice on which standards to incorporate into contracts and use as benchmarks, etc. These cuttingedge concepts are essential. EDITOR’S NOTE: We appreciate the feedback on MPI and your magazine, One+. Your ideas and thoughts are important to us. Let us know what you think. E-mail the editorial team at Strategy to Succeed [Re: “Living the Language of Business,” PlusPoint blog] The ability to think and deliver as a strategic planner is what organizations are seeking in their event professionals. Having spent time in the not-for-profit world, I have experienced first hand how switching your allegiances and focusing on your stakeholder’s needs can significantly improve your results. —Elysabeth Fischer Next Level Concepts You Tell Us How is your organization committing to the local community? Tell us about it. Send an e-mail to 12 one+ 08.10 >> Subject Line: Face-to-Face [Re: “Is There Time for Intellectual Depth?,” PlusPoint blog] We are a society that is addicted to technology. Our brains are being re-wired away from face-to-face, yet face-to-face brings our world together, especially the meetings world. Forty percent of business prospects are converted by face-to-face. But people want a quick fix (quick sale), and they think the answer is through their gadgets. You are right, it is all about self-control. But where do you draw the line when you want to tweet and your client wants to text? Shall I go on? —Deborah Gardner Compete Better Now! A World of Thanks [Re: “Giving Goes Grassroots,” July 2010] Thank you so much for featuring Mari Kuraishi and GlobalGiving in One+. The piece was thoughtful and intelligent and captured Mari and the GlobalGiving approach brilliantly. And, within a few moments of publication, we got a call from one of your readers placing a gift card order. —Ingrid Embree GlobalGiving —Joshua Grimes Grimes Law Offices Battle for VAT [Re: “U.K. VAT OMG,” PlusPoint blog] Much will be made of the recently announced increase in VAT [value added tax] in January 2011. However, it should be noted that currently the U.K. has the third lowest standard rate of VAT in all 27 [European Union] states, and the increase will bring the U.K. more in-line with the rest of Europe. VAT-registered companies or taxable businesses from outside of the EU that work predominantly in the business-tobusiness sector are less likely to suffer, as they can claim back any VAT on eligible expenses they pay from HMRC [Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs]. —Pamela Spence Taxport UK WEC Vancouver Thank you for an incredible meeting. My first WEC altered the path of my life. I am touched, moved and inspired by the many amazing people I met. I am looking forward to changing the world with the MPI Chicago Chapter and all of you. —Nicole Price American Board of Medical Specialties This was my first time attending a WEC, and trust me it won’t be my last. If you don’t have the WEC on your “bucket” list, you better add it. To any and everyone in the meeting industry this is a MUST do! Thanks to everyone for a fantabulous experience. —Beanie Daily, CMP Independent Planner

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of One + August 2010

One + August 2010
Energy of Many
Know Thy Competition
It’s Easier Being Green
Sign and Trade
Thoughts + Leaders
Top Spots
No Thanks, No Favors
All Together Now
It Was Always Social
The Shoe Did Not Fit
Deep in the Soul of Texas
The Big Green Apple
The City with a Thorn in its Side
The S Word
Sound Potential
Slick Business
Dan Pink Loves Work
Strategic Shift
Your Community
Making a Difference
Until We Meet Again

One + August 2010