The Track Sheet for Solo Ch. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Item G-TVSA Front Left G-TVSA Front Right G-TVSA Rear Left G-TVSA Rear Right A/B Omni Left A/B Omni Right NOS Hemiphere Left NOS Hemiphere Right Penta-Cube Front Left Penta-Cube Front Right Penta-Cube Rear Left Penta-Cube Rear Right Penta-Cube Center Piano Omni Bass Strings Audience Resonse Left Audience resonce Right Mic Grado HMP-1 Grado HMP-1 Grado HMP-1 Grado HMP-1 DPA 4041 DPA 4041 DPA 4041 DPA 4041 DPA 4021 DPA 4021 DPA 4021 DPA 4021 DPA 4053 0777 B&K 4040 tube “Grado 2" “Sphere” “Grado 2" “Sphere” Did you normalize, compress or otherwise process Lynne’s tracks? I did use some minimal processing in the mix. A small amount of compression and peak limiting. I used the tools in Logic—the Multipressor [multiband compressor—Ed.] and limiter. Lynne had a specific sound in mind, so I added a touch of reverb using the Space Designer convolution reverb in Logic. The final assembly was done in SonicStudio HD. Preamp DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 DAD 2408 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 APHEX 1788 Notes DPA DPA DPA DPA 130/200V 130/200V 130/200V 130/200V B&K 200 V Do you eq acoustic tracks like this piano recording? I try to avoid eq if possible. I prefer to use the right instrument, with the right mics in the right place. Take your time at the beginning of the session. Listen to the instrument in the room. Your ears are the best tool you’ve got. Place the mics and move them till you find the sweet spot. Moving mics a few inches can make all the difference. Gary used several different mic set-ups for this session. What did that mean for you? It’s always great to have some choices in the mix. Lynne Arriale can be reached at her website, Gary Baldassari can be reached at Duke Markos can be reached at his website,