Time spent in nature has been linked to reduced stress, improved well-being, and increased social connectedness. Join trained Master Naturalists to explore how time spent in outdoor spaces can positively affect both your mental and physical health. Organized groups should schedule activities at a separate time; contact naturalareas@fcgov.com. Free; registration is required. DATE Sat. July 11 TIME 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. NATURAL AREA Nix Farm 1745 Hoffman Mill Rd. Reservoir Ridge Meet at Primrose Studio. Fri. Sept. 11 Wed. Oct. 7 DESCRIPTION Forest Therapy Experience the Japanese tradition of Shinrin-Yoku on this guided nature walk. Learn to open your senses to nature's healing power. Tues. Sept. 1 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Gateway Meet at Shelter A. Mindfulness in Natural Areas Sharpen your nature skills and renew your appreciation for natural areas with an easy and mindful walk through Gateway Natural Area. Yoga mats optional. Up to 1 mile; easy. Thurs. Oct. 8 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Court Meet at the museum entrance. Wellness Walks Join Master Naturalists for a short and slow walk along the Poudre River. Discover ways to incorporate mindfulness and daily time in nature. Up to 1 mile; easy. Sat. Oct. 17 Wed. Oct. 21 Sat. Oct. 24 Brendan Bombaci Check for cancellations at fcgov.com/naturalareas before you go! -47- WELLNESS WELLNESShttp://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas