NFPA JOURNAL In Compliance Columns page / 23 | Wildfire Action Now The record-setting 2020 wildfire season is no anomaly. When will we snap out of our collective complacency? By Michele Steinberg 36 NFPA 101 The life safety considerations of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. By Kristin Bigda NFPA 13 Sprinkler protection for bulk quantities of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. By Brian O'Connor NFPA 72 Code requirements for pathway survivability remain a hot topic. By Wayne Moore NFPA 70+70E Addressing issues around GFCI requirements in dwelling units. By Derek Vigstol Xchange A sampling of the codes-andstandards conversations happening in NFPA's online community. Firewatch page / JOURNAL ONLINE earlywarning Listen to the recent NFPA Journal Podcast episode about the research into, and new standard on, gas detection. 52 | Research Tower of Babel An ambitious new effort is underway to standardize the collection and interpretation of global fire data. By Birgitte Messerschmidt Read the 2020 Fire Protection Research Foundation report on gas detector location analysis. 59 | Outreach Faces of Fire A new campaign uses powerful personal stories to bring awareness to the consequences of electrical hazards. By Lorraine Carli Read the full report on volunteer firefighter retention, produced by the National Volunteer Fire Council. Listen to an NFPA Journal Podcast on the emergency medical services shortage in rural America. 80 | Looking Back A 1923 blaze at the Dunning Hospital for the Insane in Illinois remains one the deadliest hospital fires in the nation's history. By Caitlin Walker wildfirecrisis 64 Read key findings from California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment. Listen to experts in a range of fields discuss solutions to the wildfire crisis on the NFPA Journal Podcast. A collection of fire incidents in an assortment of occupancies from across the United States, compiled by NFPA's Research group. Read the complete NFPA Journal online at NFPA.ORG/JOURNALAPPS Read NFPA Journal on your favorite device with apps for Apple iOS and Android. These easy-to-navigate apps let you read the complete NFPA Journal anywhere, anytime. View videos, link to editorial and advertiser websites, and share articles with colleagues. And they're free. NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 Cause for Alarm NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 A wide-ranging look at the historic 2020 wildfire season Cause for Alarm A wide-ranging look at the historic 2020 wildfire season Cover_11.20.indd 2 Cover_11.20.indd 2 10/30/20 2:31 PM 10/30/20 2:31 PM NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL Read and share all NFPA Journal articles for free. CONTACT US Story ideas Change of address Tinisha Cosme at Advertising NFPA membership Visit N F PA . O R G / J O U R N A L * NFPA JOURNAL TOC NOV DEC 2020 DCS FINAL 10.30.20.indd 5 |5 10/30/20 4:42 PM http://www.NFPA.ORG/JOURNALAPPS http://www.NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL