Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 29

Contrary to popular belief,
determining a person's sex is not as
easy as checking " male " or " female "
on a form. Biological sex is actually
a complex interplay between several
factors, including an individual's
chromosomes, hormonal makeup,
internal reproductive organs
and external genitalia, and other
secondary sexual characteristics
(like breast development or body hair
patterns, for example). All of these
components exist on a continuum
and, taken together, determine where
on the spectrum of biological sex a
person lands.
Ignoring the natural diversity and
variation of biological sex (and
gender) can alienate individuals
whose bodies and identities do not
fit into these inadequate either/or
categories (whether they identify
as intersex, transgender, agender,
genderfluid, nonbinary, or others).
Finding a provider knowledgeable
about and welcoming of diverse
bodies and identities can be a
difficult and frustrating experience.
For help locating a provider, visit
these following resources:
* GLMA (Gay and Lesbian Medical
Association) Provider Directory -
* Urology
Providers who specialize in urology focus
on the medical and surgical care for
urinary system disease and dysfunction.
Because of the anatomical proximity of the
urinary tract to the reproductive organs
and genitalia, symptoms or problems can
be related. Urologists often deal with male
sexual health concerns, and urogynecologists
combine female reproductive and
urinary tract care.
With all of the medications that may have been
part of your cancer treatment and symptom
management plan, it's possible that you already
have a great relationship with your pharmacist!
Pharmacists are experts in medication
use, drug interactions, and side effects. Don't
be afraid to ask if a new medication could
impact your sexual function or be responsible
for symptoms you might have developed since
starting it. Sexual side effects can occur with
some medications, and your pharmacist is a
good resource for determining if this is a possible
cause for your concerns. They may also be
able to help you talk with your provider about
alternative options. You can also ask questions
about over-the-counter (OTC) medications
and supplements.
This specialty area of physical therapy
focuses on the rehabilitation and health of
your pelvic floor muscles, which are important
for sexual function and response. Some
of the challenges that a pelvic floor PT can
work with you to address include sexual pain,
orgasm or ejaculation issues, and problems
with incontinence (loss of control of bowel
or bladder function). These professionals
* Healthline - https://www.
LGBT Cancer Network Provider
Database - https://cancernetwork.org/providerdatabases/
WPATH (World Professional
Association for Transgender
Health) Provider Search - https://
Curious to learn more? Check
out Amanda MontaƱez's visual
representation of the sex spectrum
in her article for Scientific
American. Also, for some artsy
exploration on the subject, check
out Heather Edwards, a pelvic
floor PT and AASECT certified
sexuality counselor who creatively
celebrates and elevates the
beautiful diversity of human bodies
as the author/illustrator of several
volumes of Coloring Books for the
Crotch Enthusiast. Box of crayons
http://www.glma.org https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/find-lgbtq-ally-health-provider https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/find-lgbtq-ally-health-provider https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/find-lgbtq-ally-health-provider https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/find-lgbtq-ally-health-provider https://cancer-network.org/providerdatabases/ https://cancer-network.org/providerdatabases/ https://www.wpath.org/provider/search https://www.wpath.org/provider/search http://www.ELEPHANTSANDTEA.COM

Elephants and Tea - December 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Elephants and Tea - December 2021

Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - Cover1
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - Cover2
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 1
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - Contents
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 3
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 4
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 5
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 6
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 7
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 8
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 9
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 10
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 11
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 12
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 13
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 14
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 15
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 16
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 17
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 18
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 19
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 20
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 21
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 22
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 25
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 24
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 25
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 26
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 27
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 28
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 29
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 30
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 31
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 32
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 33
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 34
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 35
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 36
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 37
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 38
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 39
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 40
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 41
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 42
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 43
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 44
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 45
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 46
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 47
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 48
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - Cover3
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - Cover4
Elephants and Tea - December 2021 - 23