MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - 25

RAISE Together
Pla�orm designed with you and for you.
RAISE helps you ac�vate your support network near and far.
The Tigerlily Founda�on understands
that pa�ents with chronic condi�ons can
o�en face financial and non-financial
challenges that lead to the need to make
difficult decisions about paying for
groceries, childcare or life-saving medical
care. Tigerlily's RAISE pla�orm supports
pa�ents in overcoming these challenges
that they face going through treatment.
Resources and Assistance for
Support and Empowerment
" When I first logged in, and I saw that someone can
actually ask for help without actually asking for help,
because we know that everyone doesn't want to ask
for help it's hard for people to ask for help. I am one of
those people that it's hard to ask for help, so for me,
being a part of this platform is a great thing for me. "
This pla�orm allows pa�ents to make a
list of their needs in a registry-style
format that can be shared with friends
and family who can then claim needs
from the pa�ent's registry and provide
financial and non-financial support.
RAISE makes it easy for a pa�ent to share
their needs, but more importantly makes
a pa�ent's needs visible to those that are
willing and able to provide support.
The RAISE pla�orm is pa�ent driven and
will evolve as pa�ents provide insights -enhancements
will be shared as the
pla�orm con�nues to grow.
?? Ad
Tameka Johnson
Tigerlily ANGEL Advocate
page 25
" Overall, the platform is amazing. It's super easy to use,
it's straightforward. It really takes the emotional aspect
out of it (asking for help). I love that you can put it all
out there and people can help with what they want.
The tutorials were very helpful and simple. "
Aisha Pa�erson
Tigerlily ANGEL Advocate
There is no cost to join and use the RAISE pla�orm!
Visit h�p://�gerlily.wi� to join

MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action

MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - Cover2
MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - 1
MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - Contents
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MY LIFE Matters - Advocacy in Action - Cover3
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