MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy - 7
SHARING MY STORY Powerful Patient Stories
In August 2022, I got COVID really bad,
I assumed it was because my daughter
Aaliyah got COVID and I was taking care
of her. In September, I met with a thymic
surgeon because on my last scans they saw
a spot on my thymus gland. The surgeon
explained that they would just remove the
spot. So, upon me coming into his office
to sign off on my surgery and complete
my pre-op scans, once again they were
pushed back due to insurance. Because I
had a double mastectomy, a mammogram
was not needed, only a breast ultrasound.
When I got the breast ultrasound, once
again I saw that same face. So, they only
did that area but when I was in his office
signing off on the surgery, I was in a lot
of pain under my rib cage on my right
side. He asked what was going on and
I told him I am in severe pain, and it's
been like this for three days. He put an
order in right away for a CT and MRI
with contrast to see if it was my appendix.
By this time, I was getting worried
again, so the next day I came back to get
the CT/MRI done. The day after that my
thymic surgeon called late at night to tell
me the radiologist found two spots on my
liver that were very concerning. He told
me the test results would be sent to my
oncologist for follow up. I had to go out
of town for work but the next day all the
tests were back again. After all those tests,
my doctors told me I have cancer again,
and it had spread to my liver, my right hip
bone, on my right breast, and on the left
side under my arm. In January 2023, my
doctor explained that I have metastatic
stage IV breast cancer, which is treatable
but not curable. My oncologist decided
to change my treatment to a daily chemo
pill that had to be taken three times in the
morning and three times in the evening;
I still do the monthly injections and get
another injection for my bones. In March,
my scans were done to see how my body
was reacting to these new lines of treatment.
The scans revealed that my tumors
had increased in size.
Many people ask me how I am managing
and how I cope? It is my faith in God,
believing I am going to get through this.
I am grounded in faith, and this allows
me the mental capacity to cope and get
through things. " GOD, GIVE ME THE
STRENGTH, I CAN DO IT! " I talk to
God all the time, talk to him as though
he is my best friend. Then my strength
and support comes from my daughter
Aaliyah Jackson, my family, friends, and
co-workers, they all have been there for
me, and I feel so much love and gratitude,
I thank them with all my heart. It has been
such a blessing to have such an incredible
support network. Self-care is a big part of
my life. I recharge in self-care and find
distraction in movies, shows, and humor;
it helps me to relax and unplug from it all.
My oncologist met with me again to
say we now must move to plan B and take
IV chemo again, which I didn't want, but
she assured me that this drug was not as
harsh as the ones I had previously taken.
My treatment plan was to get four IV chemo
treatments every three weeks. I had a
port put in because once again IV chemo
drugs are harsh on your veins.
During my cancer journey I have met so
many people, spoken at so many events,
and continue to advocate for minority
cancer Survivors and Thrivers. I have
learned to be my own personal health
expert. I educate myself and ask questions
as it relates to my health and treatment
options. I try to make everything in my
life an enjoyable experience, not only
for myself but those around me. I ask
questions and advocate, but I do it from
a place of care, intention, and joy, being a
positive person and turning experiences
into a life lesson for myself and others. It
feels so good to compliment good service,
great support, or a helping hand, and I
do my best to create happiness every day
through all my interactions.
Faith continues to be my foundation,
and my family, friends, medical team,
amazing support system, and advocacy
community are my everything. Advocacy
is not only my way to help others and
make a meaningful impact in the cancer
community, but it has provided me with
a wealth of information. I am an ANGEL
Advocate with Tigerlily Foundation, a
co-lead for Young Survivors Coalition,
and an Advocacy Insider with Susan
G. Komen's advocacy for public policy,
Komen's Health Equity revolution. I
want to be a voice because breast cancer
is happening younger and younger, and
your health is in jeopardy by insurance
companies and other disparities. I will
continue the fight because I have cancer,
but it doesn't have me! l
MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy
MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy - Cover2
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MY LIFE Matters - Health Literacy - Contents
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